
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 11:57, 11 May 2007 by (Talk)

Pseudo-lurker who doesn't participate in many games or RP's, but is a member of the EGS Defence Force. Has a small space fleet in the Invasion thread.


Jstone's Space Fleet

Made up of eight Constitution Class frigates, two Revenge Class battleships, one Oriskany Class carrier, and a specialised Stealth Ship. Was originally split between the EGS and CRfH universes, but is now fully deployed to defend EGS.

Constitution Class

The Constitution Class Frigate makes up the backbone of Jstone's fleet. It is moderately armed and armored, and has a good number of ground troops and air craft.

  • Armor: -Classified-
  • Armament: 9 heavy railguns. 14 light railguns. One centerline particle-beam cannon. Multiple point-defense cannon and missile batteries.
  • Sublight: 2 high-output fusion engines. Max sublight speed: -Classified- (will not reach maximum speed under normal conditions)
  • Superlight: spacefold drive. maximum fold distance: -Classified-
  • Ground Troops: 150 infantry, 100 unmanned combat ground vehicles.
  • Air Vehicles: 30 manned fighers, 52 unmanned fighers, 20 unmanned support craft.

Revenge Class

The Revenge Class Battleship is the brawn of Jstone's fleet. The armor and armament dwarf that of the Constitution Class Frigate.

  • Armor: -Classified-
  • Armament: 12 high-output particle-beam cannons. 6 Heavy Railguns. Multiple Missile tubes and point-defense weapons.
  • Sublight: 3 ultra-high-output fusion engines. Maximum sublight speed 0.60C. (will not reach maximum speed in normal conditions)
  • Superlight: spacefold drive. maximum fold distance: -Classified-
  • Ground Troops: 200 infantry, 250 unmanned combat ground vehicles.
  • Air Vehicles: 30 manned fighters, 100 unmanned fighers, 30 unmanned support craft.

Oriskany Class

The Oriskany Class Carrier is used to carry any craft that does not have it's own jump drive. These include landing craft, air combat craft, and other intra-system vehicles. There is a large artificial-gravity deck on the upper portion that functions as a dry-dock for repairs.

  • Armor: -Classified-
  • Armament: multiple point-defense batteries.
  • Sublight: 3 high-output fusion engines. Maximum sublight 0.60C (will not reach maximum speed under normal conditions)
  • Superlight: spacefold drive. maximum fold distance: -Classified-
  • Ground Troops: variable. depends on craft carried.
  • Air Vehicles: variable. depends on craft carried.

Stealth Ship

The stealth-ship is used in much the same way that the German U-Boats were used: surveillance and destroying supply ships. The ship is covered in radar-absorbing materials, and has zero EM emissions when "running silent." The stealth ship can be covered in a meta-material cloak to make it completely invisible in the entire EM spectrum (including light.) When the cloak is deployed, the stealth ship uses a periscope that protrudes from the cloak for navigation and target acquisition. The periscope can be retracted if necessary, in which case the ship will function on inertial guidance.

  • Armor: -Classified-
  • Armament: -Classified-
  • Sublight: -Classified-
  • Superlight: spacefold drive. maximum fold distance: -Classified-

Ground Forces

Ground forces are organized into 5 person teams. Each team has four light infantry and one heavy infantry. Light infantry are equipped with a skin-suit, skin-tight armor with similar appearance to a wet-suit, that augments strength and speed, provides advanced sensors and comm gear, protects against most small-arms fire, and can even protect its wearer from the vacuum of space. The heavy infantry wears a heavy exo-skeleton in addition to the skin-suit. The heavy exo-skeleton augments strength even more, provides even better protection, and is fitted with powerful armamament, including .50cal machine guns, rockets, and a 20mm chain-gun.

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