Keenfans Piebunny

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 09:49, 20 November 2006 by Piebunny (Talk | contribs)

This is the character played by Piebunny in the KeenFans RP 2.01.

Keenfans Piebunny.

Character Bio

Name: Piebunny
Gender: Male. Well, supposed to be. Now female, and thusly for all eternity.
Species: Human
Build: Average
Height: About 1.5 metres
Hair: Sort of chestnut brown
Skin tone: Caucasian, slightly tanned
Eyes: Hazel-ish
Clothing: Generally prefers simpler clothing, though has a tendency to wear stuff louder than a Slipknot concert. Owns a pair of boardshorts that can melt the eyeballs out of one's head. Currently dressed in a purple bikini and a sarong. What sarong? Nothing, what'sa wrong with you?
General Personality: Kind of a cheapskate. Enjoys making awful puns and playing Weird Al music. Actually celebrates Weasel Stomping Day. Also, a bit of a fruitcake. Any similarities with OzLionHeart's bio are purely coincidental.
Physical abilities: Really nothing special in the physical department. However, she can transmute any liquid into any other liquid.
Currently dead. Sorry, undead. And wondering how to get rid of the wings and halo.

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