William 'Slicer' Untair

From Egs Mayhem

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Current revision as of 02:13, 23 January 2007

Name: William 'Slicer' Untair

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall and Upright he appears to have a priestly aura to him for he always wears clerical clothing, as well as a silver neck protector with matching wristguards.

He stands nearly 6'4 with no hair and a bizarre grayed-yellow scab-like texture to his skin, and his eyes are red for he's an albino, his most prominent features however are the hunchback he was birthed with but manages to keep at bay, (Though his back seems to stick out in a sort of hump) a long tail that ends just past his feet with a claw like those on his fingers on it, and the claws as hard as metal that grow from all his thumbs, fingers, and toes save for his left ring finger, and his digitrade (DOGGY!) feet. {NOTE: He has little control over the tail, About as much as an iguana, whack that! or help me balance now! Not much}

He is also missing his left ear and all the teeth on the right side of his mouth are canines, save for where his canine belongs there is a fang there instead. {Like my Sister, except she has two! It's a recessive family trait to have fangs you know. They are a little higher and closer to your lips then all your other teeth though if you get them naturally. AKA: A good way to tell if someone has fake fangs or real fangs!}

Anyways, he's also COMPLETELY sterile just so you know. Personality: I don't want to say preachy but I might just have to. He believes in a multitude of religions from christianity through the Pagans, such as Wiccans and Celts.

He usually preaches only when placed into combat as a way to attempt to avoid hit, however he will often make religious statements based off his observations and beliefs of religion and what it means.

Usually however he's quite friendly and will help out with most tasks if simply asked, always believing in doing good and finding an alternative to pain, but if pain is required, like he has to torture someone, in his words, "I will not spare the rod." Mundane Abilities: William is good at cutting things, digging, and generally helping build, and with assistants he's great at changing mob personality. He's also good at writing and is an exceptional runner, though he can't swim well if at all. Powers: 'Slicer' which is his friendly nickname is due to the fact he has protruding claws capable of chopping wood like an axe or daggers, but this is not the only ability he's got, he can regenerate small wounds like a cut on the hand or the loss of a finger, anything more than that and his skin will just attempt to put itself together rather than build new bone, and just heals at a faster pace than most people.

He's also an exceptional smeller, though I wouldn't classify it as a superpower since it's not "Dog-Good." History/Background: William Untair is from Hungary and was raised by a priest, due to the fact his parents were stoned to death at the fault of a false-priest who was part of the old Communist party which was annexed and defeated oh so long ago. That false-priest was later revealed to be from the old communist party by the priest who raised William before dying at age 67 of cancer.

Extra: - Claws at ENDS of Fingers, so yes he'll have a harder time wielding Items that aren't easily held in your palms and only a slight bend of the hand, the claws are about half as long as his fingers anyway, except for middle-finger through thumb, those three on each hand have claws as long as his fingers, and therefore have the hardest time being gripped around something. - The Claws can tear through bones and weaker metals, but not titanium or Mithril or anything considered THAT strong. Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, etc all breakable by him though... Steel not so much, maybe whack it up abit I geuss.

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