From Egs Mayhem

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Revision as of 03:47, 19 October 2006

CPUX is a guy who says he is way too busy to contribute to the Mayhem Wiki, but, well, here he is contributing to the darn wiki. All while he should be sleeping cause he has an exam tomorrow morning.


CPUX joined the Keenspot forums on 28 May 2004, and soon found an online home in the EGS forum. With the great separating of EGS and Mayhem, CPUX knew that he found the greatest single forum ever known to man.

Sometime later, CPUX had a crisis of some sort and hid from the internet. Nobody really noticed, and life went on. Then one day, he came back for some reason, and again, nobody really noticed, except for Berk maybe.


CPUX does way too much stuff. Although not active in any Mayhem RPs, CPUX is an active carroteer and Mayhem gamer. As an "old guard" bunny, he's often seen sitting on his porch telling all the kid bunnies to get off his lawn.

Outside of Mayhem, CPUX is pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering so he can defend the intertubes from those who dare violate their sanctity (I'm looking at you, Verizon). His hard drive is mostly comprised of the loads of fansubbed anime he's downloaded, and he often speaks of his unyielding love for Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu. CPUX is an avid video gamer, often found playing either World of Warcrack or his PS2. CPUX also works on his own comic, Apathetic Spunk, though he doesn't do a good job of working on it.

CPUX 23:47, 18 October 2006 (EDT)

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