Backstory300 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

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(Pages 281 to 285)
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=== [ Page 286] ===
=== [ Page 286] ===
''Outside Lomgren's house''
*Jon sends Demios the giant demonic dog home.
*Ann-KF follows Sage.
*Aurora steps out of Ann-KF, and heads off to the Deathmanse, to check on the progress of a new addition.
*The voice driving Kraggi's body starts to draw a pentagram in the dirt, to summon more of his kind.
*Sage realises that Kraggi is possessed by a demon. He fires a stasis spell at Kraggi. Unfortunately, the summoning has already reinforced the demon, who resists the spell, and takes off (literally).
*Three imps jump out and attack Sage, who banishes them before flying after Kraggi.
*Atescu arrives. He uses a spell to attempt to blast Kraggi out of the sky. This does not work, and the demons fly him down toward the house, wanting someone to kill, or take hostage.
*Ann-KF scythes through the pentagram, preventing further summoning. She then takes flight, in pursuit of the others.
*Aurora changes the respawn point.
*Likal pops out of nowhere, holding a burning parchment.
*The demons attack Ann-KF with daggers of fire. She blocks them with the Scythe.
*Likal jumps forward, and attempts a spell to free Kraggi from the demons.
*Sage dives in to the attack at the same time.
=== [ Page 287] ===
=== [ Page 287] ===
''Wiki notes''
*Some of the posts on this page are truncated.
*The demons sense the approach of Sage, and give Kraggi control, which sends him falling to the ground.
*Ann-KF dives forward to catch him.
*The demons distract Ann-KF by attempting to stab her in the stomach. This succeeds in getting them past her.
*Sage fires a stasis spell at Kraggi.
*Nonah runs outside.
*Freek calls on his ancestor for assistance.
*The demons attempt to dive in through a window of Lomgren's house. Freek moves to intercept, while channelling his ancestor.
*Sage casts a Holy Light spell, which affects the demons. It also affects Nonah. Ouch...
*Kraggi attempts to regain control of his body while the demons are incapacitated. This does not work, leaving him unconscious on the ground.
*Sage catches up, and enters into Kraggi's mind, seeking to drive out the demons from inside.
''Kraggi's Mind''
*Sage appears, and calls out the demons to show themselves.
*Kraggi walks out into view, and appears unresponsive. Sage casts a shield spell over him, and calls on the demons to leave.
*The demons respond by taking Kraggi's personality centre hostage, and threaten to destroy it.
*Sage is not impressed, and responds by conjuring the demons in front of him. They scatter, trying to hide behind Kraggi's mental blocks.
=== [ Page 288] ===
=== [ Page 288] ===
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== Pages 291 to 295 ==
== Pages 291 to 295 ==

Revision as of 09:40, 4 June 2010


Pages 276 to 280

Page 276

Wiki Notes

  • Lomgren's kitchen is noted to contain a microwave oven (not shown on the map of his house), in addition to the stove, oven and fridge.

Lomgren's House - kitchen

  • Lomgren tells Eshli where the bread is kept, and pulls a package of chicken patties out of the freezer. He asks Eshli how she intends to heat them up, and she tells him she'll use a frying pan.
  • Lomgren produces a frying pan from a cupboard, and hands it to her, along with the chicken patties.

Sage's Office

  • Sage shows Knave and Aurora out, then collapses into a chair.

Author House

  • Nonah follows Freek.
  • Likal casts a spell on the bed to attack the animate stench. This is only partially successful. He draws a breath to try again, and the smell knocks him out.
  • Atescu empties the barrel of assorted cleaning products onto the bed, and the stench gives up the ghost.

Lomgren's House - kitchen

  • Lomgren offers to help Eshli, then realises that he hasn't eaten since breakfast. He then decides to check on Ann.

Lomgren's House - spare bedroom

  • Ann stirs a little in her sleep as Lomgren looks in on her.
  • Lomgren decides to leave her to wake naturally, and leaves the room, taking the shoebox and crystal ball with him, and heads back to the kitchen.

Page 277

Outside Sage's Office

  • Ann-KF and Aurora decide to go check up on Ann.

Outside the Author House

  • Freek and Nonah hug. Freek explains that the smell was the result of Grim not cleaning often enough.

Lomgren's House

  • Eshli advises Lomgren to stay with Ann.
  • Ann-KF knocks at the door.
  • Lomgren asks Eshli to make him a sandwich as well, and goes to the door.
  • Rose, having searched for and gathered up the weaponry Ann left lying about, heads over to Lomgren's to also check up on Ann. Still invisible, she decides to sneak in behind Ann-KF.
  • Ann-KF says she's here to check on Ann. An odd flicker of colour flashes across her face, as Lomgren shows her (and, unknown to him, Rose and Aurora) in.
  • Eshli gets busy on making the chicken sammiches.
  • JJA arrives, riding his giant dog.

Author House

  • Likal comes to, still not feeling well. Atescu offers to let him look around the library. He's going out.

Page 278

Wiki notes

  • There is a fair amount of "space stuff" taking place in this page.
  • The time is established to be mid-afternoon, around 2pm.

Lomgren's House

  • Lomgren shows Ann-KF to the spare bedroom, where Ann is.
  • Rose slips in, and stations herself in a corner of the living room, the better to not be bumped into.
  • In the spare room, Ann mumbles a bit in her sleep (again).

The Rex

  • Jodi finishes off her drink, then leaves, heading for Ann's house to pick up her stuff.

Ann's house

  • Jodi leaves a note to thank Ann for her hospitality, and leaves. (This marks Jodi's exit from MKRP...)

Author House

  • Likal decides to go for a walk around town, rather than stay in the house.
  • Lora heads to the town square, to see if the living stench respawned. (It didn't.)

Page 279

Lomgren's House

  • Lomgren goes to the kitchen to ask Eshli to make some extra sandwiches... and spots Rose, who is now visible. And has no clothes on. Cue blushing on the part of both parties...

By the Lake

  • A small sapling tree suddenly has a visible pair of jeans and a shirt on it.

Lomgren's House

  • Rose explains that she's here to see Ann, and asks to borrow a towel.
  • Lomgren points her to the bathroom, and Rose heads there, and grabs a towel.
  • Ann-KF produces Ann's "Frisky Kitty" shirt and offers it to Rose.
  • Lomgren asks Eshli to make extra sandwiches, as Rose and Knave have arrived.
  • Eshli hands over Lomgren's sandwich, and he takes it back to the bedroom.
  • Rose takes the offered shirt, losing her towel in the process. She can't use the magic that makes it longer, but it fits. Mostly. She follows the others in to see Ann.
  • In Ann's mind, the zombies attacking the town become chicken sandwiches, which alerts her that she's dreaming. She wakes up... to find a crowd of people around her.

Sage's Office

  • Kraggi enters Sage's office, looking around nervously.

Page 280

Wiki notes

  • Some OOC discussion of JJA's giant demonic dog, who is currently parked outside Lomgren's house.
  • More Space Stuff.

Sage's Office

  • Sage invites Kraggi inside, and asks him what the trouble is.
  • Kraggi says that he has someone else in his head.

Lomgren's House

  • Ann yawns and stretches, before looking around and realising that she is not in her bedroom. She sits up, trying to remember what happened, and failing. She beckons Rose over, and "majically" makes the shirt longer for her.

Pages 281 to 285

Page 281

Lomgren's House

  • Ann-KF suggests that the best way to deal with Ann's memory problem is to see Sage... after lunch.
  • Aurora (in Ann-KF's mind) is worried.
  • Eshli brings in three more sandwiches, and goes to make more.
  • Ann realises that she's famished.. and then realises that she's wearing armour.
  • Lomgren offers his sandwich to Ann, who goes to take it, and then notices that she needs to wash up.
  • Ann heads for the bathroom, as folks get out of her way, and Rose enquires (with a big grin) as to how Ann knows where the bathroom is.
  • Lomgren picks up the plate, and heads out to the kitchen, where Eshli is making more sandwiches. She asks how many more are needed, and Lomgren says that will probably be enough.
  • Ann compliments Eshli's cooking skills, and Eshli suggests Ann take lessons from Grim.
  • Ann snags a sandwich, and considers the idea, as she bites into it.
  • Lomgren asks Ann if she's up to going to the party that night, as he'd postponed it.

Outside Lomgren's House

  • Likal and Jon, as the giant dog stands there. Jon explains the circumstances behind Demios being there.

Page 282

Wiki notes

  • The time is established as being around 2:30PM. The party is supposed to begin at 5PM.

Lomgren's house

  • Lomgren explains to Ann that he'd postponed the party, because being worried about her, he didn't feel in a party mood. Ann points out that she's now up and about, so there's no reason to postpone it now.
  • Eshli comments about Kraggi and Grim not being able to produce the food in time for the party today, and Lomgren says that the food he has should be plenty.


  • Atescu comments about the party being postponed.
  • Likal perks up at the mention of a party. He goes to knock on the door, seeking an invitation to the party.


  • Ann-KF says that if Ann can't remember, they should definitely see Sage. This reminds Lomgren that he was supposed to contact Sage when Ann awoke.
  • Lomgren asks Ann if she wishes to call Sage, as he feels this should be her decision.
  • Ann-KF adds her support to the idea.

Page 283

Lomgren's house

  • Ann considers, and agrees to call Sage.
  • Rose is sitting in the corner, listening in on the conversations.
  • Lomgren is about to contact Sage via the crystal ball, when there's a knock at the door. He answers it, and the first thing he sees is the giant dog. This leads to him slamming the door very quickly, and fleeing back to the kitchen...

Sage's Office The voice controlling Kraggi attempts to convince Sage that no further investigation is needed, and runs him out the door.

Outside Lomgren's

  • Likal is stunned by the strange reaction, and knocks again.


  • Ann-KF gets the door, as Lomgren does not want to face the giant dog.
  • Lomgren calls Sage via the crystal ball, while trying not to notice the shoebox.
  • Likal asks about getting an invite to the party, and Ann-KF calls out to Lomgren to ask if Likal can come in.

Page 284

Lomgren's House

  • Lomgren is confused, then realises who Likal must be. he calls back to Ann-KF to let him in.
  • Jon sticks his head in the front door, and calls to Lomgren to ask is he can come in.
  • Eshli greets the new arrivals, and introduces herself to Likal.
  • Sage finally arrives, and notices the giant demonic dog.

Kraggi's House

  • Kraggi, still controlled by the voice, goes home and puts his armour on.
  • Grim asks him what's going on, and the voice attempts to make Kraggi hit Grim. He resists long enough to warn Grim, and she runs for it, after telling the house to lock him in.

Page 285

Lomgren's House

  • Grim arrives, screaming about Kraggi going insane, and attempting to attack her. She then notices the giant dog, and rushes into the house, hiding herself in a closet. (Which is awkward, as Lomgren doesn't have any closets in his house...)
  • Grim has a flashback to the incident that gave him/her a phobia of dogs.
  • Freek and Nonah arrive, drawn by Grim's screaming.

Kraggi's House

  • The voice tries to get the House to let him out, then smashes through a wall when it fails to respond.
  • The voice drives Kraggi up the street, plotting to do harm to folks and ruin Kraggi's reputation.


  • Sage heads out, to deal with Kraggi's situation right away. He warns the others to stay inside, unless immortal or extremely sure of their ability to defend themselves.
  • Jon follows Sage.

Pages 286 to 290

Page 286

Outside Lomgren's house

  • Jon sends Demios the giant demonic dog home.
  • Ann-KF follows Sage.
  • Aurora steps out of Ann-KF, and heads off to the Deathmanse, to check on the progress of a new addition.
  • The voice driving Kraggi's body starts to draw a pentagram in the dirt, to summon more of his kind.
  • Sage realises that Kraggi is possessed by a demon. He fires a stasis spell at Kraggi. Unfortunately, the summoning has already reinforced the demon, who resists the spell, and takes off (literally).
  • Three imps jump out and attack Sage, who banishes them before flying after Kraggi.
  • Atescu arrives. He uses a spell to attempt to blast Kraggi out of the sky. This does not work, and the demons fly him down toward the house, wanting someone to kill, or take hostage.
  • Ann-KF scythes through the pentagram, preventing further summoning. She then takes flight, in pursuit of the others.


  • Aurora changes the respawn point.


  • Likal pops out of nowhere, holding a burning parchment.
  • The demons attack Ann-KF with daggers of fire. She blocks them with the Scythe.
  • Likal jumps forward, and attempts a spell to free Kraggi from the demons.
  • Sage dives in to the attack at the same time.

Page 287

Wiki notes

  • Some of the posts on this page are truncated.


  • The demons sense the approach of Sage, and give Kraggi control, which sends him falling to the ground.
  • Ann-KF dives forward to catch him.
  • The demons distract Ann-KF by attempting to stab her in the stomach. This succeeds in getting them past her.
  • Sage fires a stasis spell at Kraggi.
  • Nonah runs outside.
  • Freek calls on his ancestor for assistance.
  • The demons attempt to dive in through a window of Lomgren's house. Freek moves to intercept, while channelling his ancestor.
  • Sage casts a Holy Light spell, which affects the demons. It also affects Nonah. Ouch...
  • Kraggi attempts to regain control of his body while the demons are incapacitated. This does not work, leaving him unconscious on the ground.
  • Sage catches up, and enters into Kraggi's mind, seeking to drive out the demons from inside.

Kraggi's Mind

  • Sage appears, and calls out the demons to show themselves.
  • Kraggi walks out into view, and appears unresponsive. Sage casts a shield spell over him, and calls on the demons to leave.
  • The demons respond by taking Kraggi's personality centre hostage, and threaten to destroy it.
  • Sage is not impressed, and responds by conjuring the demons in front of him. They scatter, trying to hide behind Kraggi's mental blocks.

Page 288


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Pages 291 to 295

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