Rivelle Karill

From Egs Mayhem

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General Info

Name: Rivelle Karill. Yeah, apparently I'm famous and everything now and people want to know all about me. It's about time, as far as I'm concerned. But anyway, let's move on.

Gender: Female. Seriously, is it not obvious? Well, I suppose you can't see me, can you? But Rivelle is clearly a female name. Not even like it's that uncommon...

Age: 20. Not really much to add to that...

Height: Five feet, five inches. It's a nice height. I don't tower over anyone, but I can still reach the top shelf most of the time.

Weight: ... It is really any of your business exactly how much I weigh?

Build: That's better. So I'm somewhat curvy and a bit heavy-boned, and yeah, I'll admit I've got a little pudge, but I've still got a nice body. I ain't a stick figure, but who cares, right?


Hair Color/Style: I love my hair. It starts out fiery red-orange at the roots and then fades to black at the tips. When I put it in a ponytail it looks just like a fox's tail; it's awesome, but right now I'm just letting it flow out naturally. It's grown down to mid-back; I wonder how long I should let it grow out...

Eye Color: Green. Ooh, I should say something else here, like how they sparkle like emeralds! People are dumb enough to believe that, right?

Skin Color: Pale Caucasian skin. I hate it; I sunburn so easy. I need to learn a sun-warding spell, but they won't teach me anything...

Clothing: Well, I just got into Mossy Knoll, so I'm wearing what I came here in: this nice powder blue tank top, blue-gray shorts, and tan sandals. And I painted by fingernails and toenails burgundy; I think it's quite a cute look myself.

Jewelry: I like jewelry, especially magical ones, though none of mine are. Although I bet if said so, people would believe me. Anyway, I wear two rings on my left hand, one ring on my right and a set of bracelets on my right wrist. Maybe I should get a necklace or something too; that would look good, I think...


Let me just set the record straight here. People say so many bad things about my personality. They say I'm egotistical; that I'm in love with myself; I need to learn to be humble and all that, blah blah blah... It's all justified. I really am that great. If people would just understand that, it could really save me as well as everyone else a lot of trouble. People also say I'm impatient and get frustrated easily, but that's not true either. They just keep trying to argue with me about so many mundane things when all I'm saying is truth about everything. Nothing less. Anyway, moving on. I'm generally a pretty talkative person, because what can I say? I love telling people about all I can do. Being extroverted is good, right? What's wrong with that? Also, people say I mean well and generally at least try to be polite. Their words, not mine, because of course I'm polite. It's their fault I get frustrated...


Ah, here we go. The good stuff. Back before all this Mossy Knoll business, I was the apprentice of this old man who ran a wandcrafting shop. Not that he taught me anything; he kept telling me to study the arcane before I can master it and all this crap. Boring; just let me at it already! Doesn't he know I'm a Karill, and specifically, the great-granddaughter of Augebba Karill, arguably the greatest wizard who ever lived; the woman who practically single-handedly brought upon the Arcane Revolution of 1526? Her blood runs through my veins! You have to respect that, don't you? Anyway, I decide that I can handle the travel spell he's been cooking up. I could use a vacation for a little bit, right? So I enchant it, and guess what. It worked perfectly.

Okay, so I did just input random coordinates for the destination, and it turns out it was an interdimensional travel spell, and I never did figure out how to get home, but that's okay. Everyone here seems real nice, and the old coot is sure to rescue me sometime, right?


I swear... I could do so much if people would let me. But no, it's all about study and hard work and blah blah blech. I don't care; just let me at the spells already! So... I can't really do much besides a few parlor tricks. But someday... someday...

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