
From Egs Mayhem

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<u>Information about Project Death Wing</u>:
<u>Information about Project Death Wing</u>:<br />
Date of Implementation: 22.03.2010<br />
Date of Implementation: 22.03.2010<br />

Revision as of 23:07, 26 November 2006

Name: Roimata (Roi)
Gender: Female
Designation: R42677
Intended Use: Reconnaissance, Infiltration.
Eyes: golden
Hair: black, very long and straight.
Height: 5'4"
Body mass: 115
Age: 17
Appearance: Roi is not so much physically attractive as of a certain, aesthetically Beauty. Her body is slim but not skinny, showing barely any sharp outlines but neither any unnecessary curves. Her skin is of a deeply tanned brown, and her knee long straight and pitch black hair is worn open. Roi has Wings. The Dark red, thin and with soft short pelt covered wings look like a cross of Insect and Bat wings. They fold into two lengthly packages on the back when not used and spread to oval, five feet long wings when fully extended. The Muscles on her back are strong, but not usable for flapping. The Wings more or less do resemble more a Kite than actual wings, especially as the stay almost in a right angle toward her body when standing. The white NextStep clothes seem oddly misplaced on her. She wears a foot long plastic pole with a rubber hook attached with her at all times.

Personality: Roi is quiet and seems depressed most of the time. She has long resignated and given up all hope for a better live. Her phlegmatism is her only shield in the daily routine, she quietly obeys orders even though she tries to avoid people who might actually give those orders. But even her friends sometimes have troubles to keep her going, since she is totally... and probably rightfully... convinced that it is only a matter of time till her miserable live is ended by that one and only way she sees... death.

Abilities: Roi bears two innate Abilities. - 1.) The Scientists managed to enrich Roi's body and especially her wing-hides with a special substance which is uttermost volatile, except in Roi's immediate vicinity (see Ability 2) or body. This substances is a strong contragravitum. Where normal matter is attracted to masses, this substance is repelled. The more area this substance in covering within the Orthogonal gravity field, the more repulsion is produced, providing Lift to Roi's body. In the end effect this means: While Roi's mass is 115 lbs, she weights only 80 lbs with Wings folded (60 if lying down), and down to 5-10 lbs with Wings spread! This means, her body&Wing surface-to-weight ration creates enough Aerial drag to slow down any fall to non-harmful speeds. Her Muscles are still well developed, too, so she can Leap her 10 lbs heavy body many yards straight into the air, and if she tilts the wings she can even leap a great distance broad. This ability was indeed designed to allow Roi to be dropped of behind enemy lines (or onto competing corporate facilities), but it allows her some extra feats in combat and in stealth (having a light step helps in sneaking.). - 2.) This ability is less complicated. The Scientists combined her ability to keep the contragravitum stable with a surprisingly familiar ability: The Thanatos effect Roi is absorbing Life... well, to be exact her skin is emitting jolts of of deadly Thanatos currents which interrupts the neuronal flow and breaks up any living cell. Then she absorbs the byproducts of this process. Anyways, The currents are transmitted by her skin and actually manage to flow through ordinary clothes, but thick protective clothes stop it. It kills bacteria, insects, flowers, grass and spiders within an instant, rodents, cats and small dogs within a few seconds, medium sized animals and small children survive no longer than 10 seconds, Full sized humans suffer around twice that long. At first touching her hurts immensely, but soon the pain subsides when the nerves are numbed into a tingling until vital organs like heart, lung and brain cease to work.. all this while the body starts to slowly turn into a blackish-grey lump of dead cells. The only body parts not conducting the current is the hair. All scientists effort to further increase the range and/or intensity of the current failed as of date. A side effect of this Thanatos effect is that she has no digestive bacteria, since they all died. She cannot digest anything, so she has to rely on regular absorption of Life... one or two small rodents sate her needs for around a day, larger (or more) animals can provide up to three days of preemptively stored 'food', the excess is lost. Roi cannot switch this effect off, it is ever present,

Mundane Abilities (aka Training): Roi received basic and advanced training in Infiltration: Gunning, Hand to hand combat, stealth, tactics, security systems, lock picking camouflaging. She is not very enthusiastic, but learns as she is told to. Still her progess is not as fast as it could be, which upsets her creators, she was supposed to reach an expert level in a few weeks to be deployed soon.

Background: As a child Roi had still hope, liked to play and in generally was more cheerful. But after years of her forced solitude... without being able to touch anyone, never having received a comforting hug or a pat on the shoulder she lost all this. Her few attempts to touch other persons ended painfully... for the receptant as well as for Roi since she had been punished hard for hurting scientists or damaging other experiments. Her 'eating' habits have slowly turned her callous to the point where she is unaffected by the pitiful squealing an desperate jerking of the cute, helpless animals in her hands.. whether this callosity will extend to humans... the scientist do hope it. She has few friends, rather has the habit to silently wander around the corridors of the complex, seemingly seeking for something she herself does not know what it could be.

Information about Project Death Wing:
Date of Implementation: 22.03.2010

Project Leader:
Dr. Christopher Michaelson (†2024);
The elder Dr. started with project Death Wing a series of experiments which contributed not only the original project, but which's results were soon used in various other Projects. This kept the project alive for over 18 Years now, though no new Prototypes were created since 14 years. He was methodical and had not much compassion, but wasn't especially cruel or lunatic. He died four years ago of a heart stroke.
Dr. Phelea Parker (Quantum-Physics)
This ambitious mid thirty woman got rid of the habit to share the project's results with the other Scientists and is instead pushing her staff all the harder for visible, profitable results to present to the Management in order to get funds for another project she is planning on. She has little care for her Prototypes aside to show that one will work and is combinable with the accelerated grow researched in Project Cain.

Scientific staff: Dr. Graham (Genetics); Dr. Atell (Psychology); Dr. Vendretuos (Radiology); Mr. Johnson (Infiltration training); Mrs. Callesto (Infiltration training)

Status of Prototypes:

  1. 1-13 deceased
  2. 14 Stasis (nonviable)
  3. 15-17 deceased
  4. 18 Stasis (nonviable)
  5. 19 Active.
  6. 20 Procedure canceled
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