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Original Air Date: October 2nd, 2006

Official NBC Press Release


Outside a bizarre, gruesome crime scene, Los Angeles beat cop Matt Parkman is the only one who can hear the cries of a missing little girl. Claire almost reveals her secret ability to the entire school after learning that her injury attempt tape has disappeared. Thinking she's going crazy, Niki loses another block of time after waking to find some brutally murdered thugs in her garage, only to be confronted by Social Services about son Micah. While office drone Hiro investigates New York, Nathan confronts Peter following his plunge off a building.

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Symbol Sightings

  • When Hiro enters Isaac's studio, it is visible on every canvas in the room. The symbol appears in Isaac’s studio in at least seven (and probably more) different paintings.
  • In an over head shot of a swimming pool, at the home of the murdered Walkers, it is formed by one of the hoses.
  • Peter draws it on his sketch pad while in the hospital.
  • It can be seen in the scrolling text on Mohinder's laptop (it appears at least twice in the breaks of the genetic code as it scrolls across the screen.)
  • Found on a post-it note on the map in Chandra Suresh's apartment.

Episode Recap

A glimpse of the future… And Patient Zero!

Peter wakes up in the hospital with Nathan at his side. Nathan tries to convince Peter that he did not fly and that Peter’s attempt at flight was really a suicide attempt. Nathan tells him that he landed on a fire escape, which saved his life. Peter doesn’t believe a word of it.

Claire tells her father that she is interested in learning the identities of her birth parents. Mr. Bennet tells Claire he will do whatever it takes to help. (Note: Mr. Bennet is also the same man with horn-rimmed glasses who has been digging into Chandra Suresh's research.)

Mohinder walks in on an “exterminator” in his apartment who is really an intruder planting a listening device. Mohinder chases him into the hall where he loses his gun. The gun is picked up by a girl named Eden McKenzie who sends the intruder on his way. Eden reveals that she knew his father.

Hiro is walking by a news stand in New York, where he spots a copy of a 9th Wonders comic book with his picture on the cover. After stealing the comic, he finds that the story is a perfect retelling of his exploits in Japan and subsequent arrival in New York. He finds the writer/artist's name and address on the final page. The writer is Isaac Mendez .

Isaac is in bed recovering from his near fatal heroin overdose. He tries to convince Simone that his vision of New York's desctruction is true, but she doesn't believe him. She makes him choose between her and his paintings.

After Niki wakes up two find two thugs dead in her garage, Niki drives to pick up her son. On the way, she views the tape in her camera while at a stoplight. The tape shows nothing but static accompanied by the sounds of graphic violence. Suddenly, it is four hours later, and Niki is in an airport parking lot. She has no memory of the intervening time. She decides to run before Linderman finds out about his henchmen.

Claire is at school flirting with a football player when she is summoned by the Principal. The fire department is looking for the cheerleader that saved the man in the train wreck. Claire doesn't want to be recognized as the hero, luckily one of the other cheerleader decides to claim the credit for the deed. Claire’s videographer Zach reveals that he has lost the tape of her healing abilities.

Niki returns to her home with her son, Micah only to find the garage cleaned up and the keys to a Cadillac parked out in front of the house. In the glove compartment she finds a pink slip with her name on it and a note that tells her to follow the map in the trunk. The trunk of the Cadillac contains the map and the remains of the two mobsters. Niki follows the map to a secluded area in the desert only to find a shovel sticking out of the dirt. When she begins digging she reveals a decaying skull.

Peter is still in the hospital, drawing a sketch on some paper when his mother comes to visit. She tells him that his father was clinically depressed and that he killed himself after multiple suicide attempts. She thinks that Peter is going down the same path.

Hiro decides to find Isaac Mendez and visits his studio. When he gets there he finds a room full of paintings of the same symbol and a very gruesome site. A gun is lying on the floor next to a running puddle of blood. Hiro picks up the gun follows the trail of blood and finds Isaac's body. He is lying on the floor with the top of his head sawn off and his brain is missing. Suddenly the police storm the apartment and detain Hiro at gunpoint.

Matt Parkman, a police officer, is assigned traffic duty outside the home of a murdered couple. While on duty he hears the voice of a little girl. He enters the home and finds the child hiding but not before he sees the mother impaled to the wall and the father frozen with the top of his head sawn off and his brain missing. The name “Sylar” is discussed by a few policewomen talking and Parkman is questioned. He can't explain how he knew the girl's location, so he is arrested on suspicion of the murders.

Mohinder and Eden discuss his father’s work and theories. She notices that Chandra Suresh has voice mails… one of Nathan Petrelli soliciting votes and the other of Sylar. Sylar has apparently developed powers of his own and is using them to kill. Eden also finds a portable hard drive, which shows a genetic code scrolling across the screen. Inside the code we see the same symbol that Isaac has painted.

When Claire returns home after school, her father tells her that he started the process to locate her birth parents, but that it could "take some time". After she leaves, we find out the Mr. Bennet has the missing tape and is watching the scene of her miraculous recovery after the fall.

Peter confronts Nathan on the roof of a building. While he is pre-occupied with his anger he walks off the ledge towards Nathan and floats in mid-air. We see for the first time that Peter can also fly! This is the same scene that Peter sketched while in the hospital, before it happened.

Hiro is being questioned at Isaac’s apartment and finds out that he has been missing for five weeks and that instead of October 2nd it is now November 8th. During the questioning there is an incredible explosion and the wake can be seen moving towards Hiro and the building he is in. As the explosion threatens to consume him he teleports back to Tokyo.


  • Nathan and Peter's father was described as having "delusions of grandeur". Did he also have hero-like powers?
  • Why was Niki led to the site with the bodies? Has her mirror double done this sort of thing before?
  • Why is someone (presumably Sylar) removing peoples brains? And why not all of his victims? Maybe only the ones with special abilities are useful.

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