
From Eclipsed

Revision as of 22:41, 18 October 2006 by Ac1983fan (Talk | contribs)


SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers are below this point. If you do not wish to become privy as to details about character secrets, episode events, or anything that may happen in the future then please do not read past this point. Eclipsed is not responsible if you ruin your own experience by reading Spoilers. Consider yourself fully warned.

  • The Sylar murders show no sign of physical contact.
  • The first murder we see on camera shows the mother pinned to the railing of the stairs with wood. The father was frozen with the top of his head cut off and brain removed.
  • When Hiro travels 5 weeks into the future, he finds Isaac with his brain removed.

END SPOILER WARNING: Thank you for being patient you may now return your tray to the upright and locked position. Thank you for flying Eclipsed Wikilines.

Heroes Peter Petrelli | Nathan Petrelli | Isaac Mendez | Niki Sanders | Micah Sanders | Claire Bennet | Hiro Nakamura | Matt Parkman | D. L. Hawkins | Mohinder Suresh
Villians Sylar
Questionable Horn Rimmed Glasses | Mysterious Black Guy
Other Eden McKenzie | Zach | Mr. Linderman | Ando Masahashi | Simone Deveaux | Audrey Hanson
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