One Giant Leap

From Eclipsed


Original Air Date: October 9th, 2006

What Happened

Niki has finished her ritual in the desert and sets off to confront Micah’s paternal grandmother. Claire prepares for a High school rally as her friend Jackie decides to run for class president based on her newfound popularity. Hiro asks his co-worker, Ando, to help him save the world starting with the life of a young girl. Peter practices his flying skills but only falls. Later, Peter shows Nathan a book by Chandra Suresh called “Activating Evolution” and wants Nathan to help him locate Dr. Suresh. Eden visits Mohinder and we see that Mohinder has possession of the “exterminators” gun. Mohinder gets angry and throws the laptop computer. Eden finds a notebook written by Dr. Suresh with some very interesting notations. The least of which is Sylar’s address. Meanwhile, Matt is being “interviewed” by Audrey Hanson. After reading her thoughts Audrey invites Matt to work for the FBI. Zach tries to convince Claire to take up the life of a superhero but Claire wishes only to be normal. Isaac and Simone argue and Simone leaves Isaac. Hiro tries to make contact with Isaac over the phone but Isaac hangs up on him. Hiro convinces Ando to help him when he stops time and saves the little girl’s life. While visiting D.L.’s mother Niki tells us that D.L. took 2 million dollars from Linderman and then killed his own crew (can you say mirror-double?). Molly Walker, the little girl traumatized by Sylar in Episode 2 is almost kidnapped by a man in a baseball cap and dark clothes (Sylar?). When Audrey Hanson confronts the man she is mentally thrown back against a wall and points her gun at her own head. Matt comes in and shoots the man numerous times. The man stands up and teleports away. Mohinder and Eden break into Sylar’s apartment and find strange writing on the wall (see below.) There is also a map with at least 5 photographs of people with the symbol printed on the photos. One of the pictures is Nathan Petrelli. Hiro and Ando fly to America guided by the 9th Wonders! comic book that Hiro obtained in the future. At the High School rally Brody tells Claire that he knows she is looking for her birth parents. During a make-out session Brody attempts to rape Claire but when he pushes her she falls and a tree branch punctures her skull. Niki and Micah are pulled over by the police who inform her that Linderman wants to talk to her. At Nathan’s political rally he tells everyone that Peter tried to commit suicide and that he is there to help him. Peter tells Simone that he loves her. Hiro and Ando arrive in L.A. and Hiro demands a Nissan Versa at the car rental counter. Ando is watching Niki on his iPod when the website is seen on the screen (note: this site takes you to the 9th Wonders! message board forum.) After an argument with his wife Matt goes to the bar and while listening to the thoughts of the patrons comes across a mysterious man that is impervious to his powers. The mysterious man’s mind is suspiciously silent. Mohinder brings the police to Sylar’s apartment only to find that it has been emptied. Isaac opens a drawing pad filled with images of Simone and turns to a page where she is kissing Peter. And in the shocking finale… Claire wakes up on a table in the morgue after her autopsy has already begun!

Symbol Sightings

  • Seen on Hiro’s comic book (twice) (Comic with Hiro on the cover.)
  • Found twice on the book “Activating Evolution” by Chandra Suresh.
  • Mohinder’s laptop computer shows genetic code and the symbol is seen in the breaks of code at least twice.
  • Claire’s geometry book has the symbol printed on it in red ink.
  • Isaac’s studio shows another painting with the symbol on it.
  • The map in Sylar’s apartment shows at least five photographs. Each photo has the symbol printed on the photo.
  • Found on the necklace of the mysterious man in the bar that Matt could not “read.”

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