Matt Parkman

From Eclipsed


General Info

Name: Matthew Parkman

Age: 35
Place of Origin: Los Angeles, California
Powers: Telepathy
Career: Policeman in the LAPD

His ability may prove to be vitally important should all the Heroes gather together. He will be the central processor, the listening post and the command center. He may be the one who ultimately makes all the connections between the Heroes.

Picture from Wikipedia


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Coming Soon


Person Relationship Details
Janice Wife Rough marriage
Mr. Bennet Kidnapper Kidnapped Matt
Sylar Assailant Enountered Matt in FBI headquarters
Audrey Hanson Co-worker One of Matt's superiors


Coming Soon.

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About the Actor


External Links

Greg Grunberg on Wikipedia
Greg Grunberg on IMDB

Heroes Peter Petrelli | Nathan Petrelli | Isaac Mendez | Niki Sanders | Micah Sanders | Claire Bennet | Hiro Nakamura | Matt Parkman | D. L. Hawkins | Mohinder Suresh
Villians Sylar
Questionable Horn Rimmed Glasses | Mysterious Black Guy
Other Eden McKenzie | Zach | Mr. Linderman | Ando Masahashi | Simone Deveaux | Audrey Hanson

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