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Original Air Date:

NBC Press Release


The tragic events in Texas have sad, serious repercussions for many of the "heroes," their families and friends. Meanwhile, shocking details about the moments leading up to Issac's predicted New York City nuclear bombing are revealed. Later, Issac's newest painting has fascinating future implications for a hero in crisis. Suresh takes the first steps along his new path. Matt and F.B.I. Agent Audrey Hanson pursue a break in the Sylar case. Horrified by Jessica's recent actions, Niki makes a tough decision to protect her family.

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Symbol Sightings

1) The Haitian is wearing his symbol necklace at the Odessa Sherriff’s office. The symbol is on the necklace. (The necklace is seen twice in this episode) 2) Jessica’s tattoo reveals the symbol when she is arguing with Niki in the woods.


After Homecoming, Claire and Mr. Bennet return home. H.R.G. tells her that he has known for a long time about her ability. He also tells her that the man who killed Jackie has been taken care of and that because there are others out there like him Zach and Lyle need to be warned to remain silent.

Matt and Audrey visit the crime scene at Union Wells High School and determine that Sylar either had help escaping or disappeared.

Nathan visits an incarcerated Peter who tells him that he is suppose to stop the bomb in New York City. In a dream Sylar tells Peter, “How can you stop what’s coming? You don’t know a thing about power!”

Jessica shoots D.L. in the arm and attempts to shoot him in the head. But he is prepared for the second shot and phases out as it passes through his head. When Jessica comes to the car Micah and D.L. are gone.

H.R.G. confronts Sylar in a bunker inside the Primatech Paper Company. He calls him a watchmaker and Gabriel Gray. Sylar tells him that he “restores timepieces and that he sees how things work. How they tick.” H.R.G. responds by telling him that the infusion of so many alterations to his DNA has corrupted his mind. Sylar threatens Claire and tells H.R.G. that he will take her ability too. Outside the bunker Eden tells H.R.G. that she could persuade Sylar to kill himself and it would then all be over. H.R.G. tells her that her idea will have to wait.

Matt and Audrey attempt to interview Peter and when Matt tries to “read” him is confronted by feedback. Peter reads Audrey’s mind and tells Matt that he must protect Claire.

Mohinder returns to Brooklyn and attempts to warn the FBI that a serial killer is on the loose but is unsuccessful.

Isaac is sober and sketching in his book when Eden comes to see him. She tells Isaac that the cheerleader has been saved and that she is “going off the reservation.” She hands him a cell phone and a Primatech key card so that he can exit the building.

Hiro and Ando make their way to Union Wells High School but are too late. They believe that the cheerleader is dead but Hiro convinces Ando to continue. Hiro utters the new slogan, “Find the artist – stop the bomb!” Isaac then calls Hiro and tells them that they have to meet.

Audrey Hansen interviews Claire and H.R.G. as Matt tries to read their thoughts outside the room. What he doesn’t know is that the Haitian is also nearby blocking and/or deflecting his attempt to read minds.

Jessica and Niki argue over who has the power and who is stronger. Micah finds Jessica and tells her that D.L. is hurt.

Peter is visited by Claire and H.R.G. Mr. Bennet tells Peter that he owes him his life and that he promises to return the favor. Claire’s affect on Peter seems to be wearing off as he appears to become sick (probably from the five story fall.) Claire calls Peter her “hero.”

Jessica attempts to beat D.L. but he gets the drop on her and knocks her down. When Micah is hurt in the scuffle Nike comes back out.

Claire destroys the tapes that Zach had of her and her “accidents.”

At the Greyhound Bus Depot in Midland, Texas Isaac steps off a bus and finds Hiro and Ando waiting for him. Hiro shows him the comic that has not yet been printed. Hiro tells Isaac that he has seen him in the future and that he was lying on the floor dead. Isaac tells Hiro that the man who cuts off heads has been captured.

Claire comes home to find that her brother, Lyle can remember nothing about her ability.

Niki leaves D.L. and confronts a Utah State Trooper. She asks him to arrest her for murder.

Matt and Audrey are staked out at the Primatech paper Company. When H.R.G. and the Haitian come out of the building Matt tries to read them but can only manage a bloody nose and the word “Sylar.” They are otherwise closed off from him.

When Claire calls Zach to meet her she finds out that he too has been mind wiped.

H.R.G. brings food to Sylar who tells him that they are very much alike. They both like to collect special people. H.R.G. tells Sylar that they are going to “take him apart!”

Hiro, Ando and Isaac have taken a room at a hotel in Midland, Texas. Isaac has a blank canvas in front of him. Hiro tells him to concentrate. Isaac’s eyes turn white and he begins to paint!

H.R.G. receives a panicked call from Claire. She suspects that whoever is after her has wiped the minds of both Zach and Lyle. The Haitian enters her room and tells her that her father is the one wiping minds and that he was ordered to do the same to her. For some reason he feels that he should not follow that order and that Claire should pretend to have had her mind wiped.

Isaac finishes his painting and it seems out of place. The painting is of Hiro holding his sword in front of a dinosaur (T-Rex.) Hiro and Ando are confused as they think that Isaac can only paint the future.

Mohinder gets a call from Eden. She tells him that she needs to make things right and that she is going to kill the man who murdered his father.

When Eden confronts Sylar she tells him that she is going to place a gun in the food tray and that he will take it and kill himself with it. He breaks the glass and drags Eden to him with his mind and tells Eden that he is going to take her ability. When she points the gun at him he laughs and tells her that it will not work on him. Instead, she points it at herself and pulls the trigger. Sylar is amazed that she would kill herself to keep him from assimilating her power.

Nathan bails Peter out of jail but as they leave Peter passes out. In another dream he awakens in New York. He meets Mohinder who looks at Peter’s chest and runs away. Matt Parkman, D.L., Micah and Niki also run away from him after looking at his shirt. Claire runs up to Peter but turns and runs away after looking at his shirt. Nathan, Simone and Isaac also show up as does Hiro and Ando. They all seem happy to see him until they look at his chest. Suddenly, Peter’s fingers begin to glow and then his entire body. Almost as if he was going to explode…

Peter wakes up on the ground outside the Sherriff’s office in Midland, Texas. He tells Nathan that the explosion is his fault. It seems that Peter is dying and Nathan does his best to try and revive him but…


  • When Sylar yells at H.R.G. about his name being Sylar, the sound of a ticking clock can be heard.
  • The plate on the abandoned building found by Micah and D.L. reads, “Station B238 Forest Dept.”
  • Mohinder tells the FBI on the phone that James Walker of Los Angeles was killed 9 days ago and Charlene Andrews of Midland, Texas two days ago.
  • The note from Eden to Mohinder reads, “Welcome home! I knew you’d be back! Now get to work! Love, Eden.”
  • “The Twelve Commandments”, the A.A. list of twelve steps is hanging on the wall in the room in which Isaac is staying in at Primatech Paper Company.
  • Hiro and Ando discuss saving the cheerleader and use the terms “if” and “then”. Hiro says that it is not an “if, then statement which is the most basic of all control flow statements in computer programming. Both Hiro and Ando were programmers at Yamagoto Industries.
  • The interview room in which Claire and H.R.G. are interview by Audrey Hansen is Room C-167.
  • The Midland, Texas Greyhound Bus Depot street number is 151.
  • Hiro gives Isaac the Vulcan hand sign (fingers split in the center) when he greets them after getting off the bus. This is a Star Trek reference.
  • Lyle is wearing a t-shirt with the words, “Union Wells” on it.
  • There are three signs outside “The Halfway House” BBQ restaurant off highway 12 in Utah. They are: 1) KEEPSAKES, 2) GIFT SHOP (Last Stop for 30 Miles), and 3)SOUVENIRS (Treasures From Utah).
  • The Haitian tells Claire that he has wiped the minds of her friend (Zach), her brother (Lyle) and her mother many times.
  • Hiro touches on the “Butterfly Effect” when he says, “What if I step on a bug? I could change history!”
  • The pass code to Sylar’s bunker at Primatech paper Company is 5-9-6.
  • The Odessa Sherriff’s department is located at 15 King Street.
  • Peter’s watch reads 7:35 when he wakes up in New York (in his dream).
  • The taxi that Mohinder gets out of is # GLO728
  • A sign reading, “Vote Nathan Petrelli” is seen in Peter’s “dream.”

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