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'''Original Air Date:''' October 31st, 2006 ''(tentative)''<br>
'''Original Air Date:''' October 31st, 2006 <br>

Revision as of 05:47, 31 October 2006



Original Air Date: October 31st, 2006

NBC Press Release


Hiro and his buddy embark on their heroic journey to New York, when they are stopped by a Vegas high-roller who offers them a deal they can't refuse. As H.R.G sets up a meeting for his daughter Claire with her biological parents, she hopes that questions about her newfound indestructibility can be answered. Meanwhile, Isaac receives another confusing call from Hiro, but Peter is there this time to pick up the phone and relay a life-saving message. Suresh bids farewell to Eden as he heads back to India to bury his father. An unexpected visitor shows up at Niki's home.

SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers are below this point. If you do not wish to become privy as to details about character secrets, episode events, or anything that may happen in the future then please do not read past this point. Eclipsed is not responsible if you ruin your own experience by reading Spoilers. Consider yourself fully warned.


Peter and Isaac are discussing the paintings in Isaac’s studio when the phone rings. Peter answers it to find Hiro and Ando on the other end. Peter tells Hiro that he has a message for him: “Save the cheerleader!” When Hiro does not understand the message Peter tells him to come to New York and they’ll sort it when they get there.

Claire finds out that her “father” has set-up a meeting with her biological parents.

Niki wakes up in her home to find D.L. already inside and waiting for her. He tells her that they are still a family.

The high-roller cowboy stops Hiro and Ando in the parking lot of the casino and offers them a way to make some money and pay off the debt owed. While Ando and Hiro are cheating at cards Ando discovers a gun under the table pointed directly at him. He and Hiro run off to the restroom when the poker room erupts in violence. Hiro and Ando escape out a window. From the sound of the carnage we can only assume that Niki2 has found more of Linderman’s gang.

Mohinder explains to Eden that he is through searching for his father’s ghosts and that he needs to return to India to bury his father’s remains. Eden tells Mohinder that he’ll be back and ensure it when she kisses him.

Niki and D.L. visit the site of the poker game but the damage has already been done. When they return home Niki tells D.L. about the scene in her garage.

Claire’s biological parents visit and Claire tries to get information from them about whether or not they are special. This tactic does not work. When HRG and Mrs. Bennet are in the kitchen getting lemonade his phone rings and we hear the very familiar voice of Eden McKenzie and find out that she is working for, or with Mr. Bennet. She knows about Peter and his flying, about the “guy who can bend space/time” and about Isaac’s precognitive powers. When she tells HRG that Peter said “Save the cheerleader!” his face goes white. Eden is told to “reel in the precog.” HRG escorts Claire’s “bio-parents” out to their car and we find out that they too are plants.

Hiro doubts his worthiness as a true hero but Ando convinces him that every hero has to start somewhere. They jump into their rented Nissan Versa and start on their long journey to New York.

After a discussion about her childhood with her mother Claire becomes suspicious of her “father” and begins to understand that HRG has lied to her.

Niki retrieves the 2 million dollars from the attic where Niki2 had hidden it. D.L. finds her with the cash and accuses her of framing him. Niki2 comes to the front and attacks D.L. After a short fight D.L. phase shifts his hand into Niki2’s chest and knocks her unconscious. D.L. and Micah flee the house.

Isaac uncovers a portion of a painting of Niki that he has completed and we see the symbol on Niki2’s back. When Isaac answers his door we find Eden waiting for him…


  • Claire’s home street number is 26877.
  • D. L. was a construction worker before he was framed and sent to jail.
  • Hiro is wearing his “Vote Petrelli” campaign button.
  • Micah and D.L. are looking at a few comics. They are:

1) Nimph… & The Muses Ele…
2) (Fantastic) Tales From Space (Issue # 8)
3) D.J. Doom (Issue # 30)
4) Cosmic Man “I will Avenge My Death!" (Issue # 26)
5) 9th Wonders! (Uncle Burks Fine Comics – Issue # 9 [Face of Uluru in sidebar])

  • D. L.’s shirt pocket reads: “64 Glory Motorcycles”
  • Niki2 tells Niki1 that she has framed D.L., killed his crew, stole the 2 million dollars and killed the guys at the poker game.
  • The License plate number on Niki’s red 66 Cadillac convertible is Nevada 320-DCX. (D. C. Comics? Roman numeral for 610?)

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