The History of DXX

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DXX: The Rebirth is a site created in August 2006 by Mr. McMahon. It is currently a popular and highly active site currently residing on a Proboards server.

Almost two years after its inception, The Rebirth continues to grow and expand. But to appreciate where it currently is, and to appreciate the site itself, it may be best to take you through the history, starting some 5 or 6 years back.


The Beginning

Around 2002, a young Englishman going under the alias of "Kurt Cantona" signed up for a wrestling website, called WWE 4 Lyf. This was a huge site which also ran an e-fed, though Cantona never took part in the e-fed as he really didn't understand the concept too well.

For about 2 years Cantona took part in WWE4Lyf, happily discussing issues and trying to contribute to the site. At one point WWE4Lyf was closed down, but luckily a backup plan was in place, and so Cantona instantly signed up to the backup site, "Wrestling 4 Lyf".

However, when the admin of that site - going under the name of "The Undertaker" - lost all interest in wrestling, and also had some personal issues which needed dealing with, Wrestling 4 Lyf was the subject of a hostile takeover by the staff, who were annoyed that their admin had left them without sufficient powers to successfully run the site. The staff moved their site over to Invision Free, but Kurt Cantona - still loyal to the previous admin - decided to quit the site after almost 3 years membership, as he wasn't too keen on the way things had been conducted.

Kurt Cantona's Sports Central

At this time, Kurt Cantona decided to attempt his own site, hoping to one day hit the heights of WWE 4 Lyf had once accomplished. Within a matter of days, "Kurt Cantona's Sports Central" was esug[ orvew[8twvrq qtvrw8yvwtq80]#vwtqy8vwtq8yv80vew08veqw80vwtq0y8rwt80wtequoerbjk8624]6]]

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ge hrgt oul'[u withdrew all advertising and halted activity on the site, but still refused to delete it.

D-Generation XX

After another matter of months, Cantona was bored, and decided to set up a new site and give it another go. KC's Sports Central was still there, but really didn't seem to be doing anything. And so Kurt set up the site and fully coded it, before thinking of a name.

After a few days of thinking, he came up with a fairly simple idea - "D-Generation XX". The site was open, and he enthusiastically administrated it, but once again there was very little activity to speak of. Before too long, Cantona decided he would never create a site with any success at all, and promptly closed DXX down.

Little did he know however, that it was this blueprint which would one day return and help him achieve his goal.

Retiring from Being an Admin

KC soon decided that, after his second failure, he DEFINITELY wasn't going to ever create a successful site, and decided to go back to being a member on another site. He knew he didn't want to go back to Wrestling 4 Lyf, and after a lot of searching happened upon a site called "The Wrestling Generation". yrkdddt

The Return of D-Generation XX

Kurt opened up DXX (the second DXX site and third in its bloodline after KC's Sports Central) with no real high hopes - it was more out of pure boredom.

However, before long he noticed something. One or two of the Wrestling Generation members - including Assassin and Edge Head 4 Ever, Buzzy and James Campbell - had signed up. Kurt didn't think too much of this at the time as often, when a site was advertised, people who read the advert would sign up out of courtesy. Once the activity started, Kurt was amazed. It was round about now that Kurt had felt there was no need to hold on any longer, and he finally felt able to let go of his first failure - KC's Sports Central. KC's was eventually, and finally, deleted from all servers.

Suddenly, back in DXX, Kurt had a growing member base, and better still there was constant activity. He had controversially appointed GAWD to a staff position early in DXX - GAWD was a member who had been banned from the Wrestling Generation, and many thought this appointment would be disastrous. GAWD proved himself though, and made good on providing media for other wrestling fans who requested it.

However, it was soon to be this fact that looked to be DXX's second demise. When submitting the site URL to a different site for evaluation, one of DXX's staff members soon reported that one of the first replies was that this site was in breach of Proboards TOS, and would most likely be reported.

In something of a panic, Kurt set up a backup, sister site. He wanted a new look, and a much more advanced site than which he had provided previously. He figured something of a more resilient name would work too.

DXX: The Rebirth

And, on 26th August 2006, a new site was born - the third DXX site, and fourth in its line. D-Generation XX: The Rebirth was created. This was initially so Kurt - who was now going by the name of "Mr. McMahon" - could simply give out the URL of a backup site in case this one was removed.

People checked out The Rebirth, and evidently preferred it vastly. Within a couple of weeks, the member count and post count on DXX: The Rebirth was far in excess of KC's Sports Central and DXX 1 combined (and timewise, combined, they were open for over a year). It wasn't far short of the site which was almost deleted - and that had the makings of a very successful site. And that was within a fortnight!

The likes of GAWD, Buzzy and Rey Mysterio (now known as Wes Zephaniah) retained their staff positions on DXX: The Rebirth (as they were staff on DXX), and Assassin and Edge Head soon followed suit and were offered staff jobs too. McMahon had jumped at the chance to appoint these two men, having liked the way they staffed their positions on Wrestling Generation.

The Wrestling Generation had long since died away, and many (if not most) of the active members from the WG days were now DXX members instead. If it wasn't for the likes of Assassin and Edge Head, then many members may not have heard of DXX and may have never signed up.


Around February 2007, Mr. McMahon had a few personal issues to deal with - the details of which still remain a mystery to all but a few. He decided to step back from DXX (having already stepped back from University) and take a breather. He had intended to take 3 or 4 months off and return around June, however remained absent until August 2007.

During his absense, Assassin became effective acting head of the site, and alongside Edge Head held the admin powers. Wes, GAWD, T-Mac, Campbell, Nabeel Nawaz and Buzzy all held staff powers during this time at one stage or another, and indeed Wes, Campbell and Nawaz remain on the staff today.


This site could never have survived without the awesome efforts of the staff, and they are the main reason DXX grew to what it is today.

Obviously, as well as the staffing efforts, the site couldn't grow without the members - ever diverse, and all with colourful personalities to say the least - but all are a pleasure to talk to.

Also, credit must go out to WWE 4 Lyf's "Undertaker", who was the role model when Cantona created DXX.

So, to all staff and members on DXX, from McMahon, thank you each and every one. Thank you for helping the site to grow, and thank you all for your continual contribution. Long may it continue, and one day let's see if DXX can become one of the best known sites around.

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