Members/Bowser Jr.

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Revision as of 21:27, 19 November 2007 by Prince Shroopa (Talk | contribs)

Bwa ha ha ha ha! Welcome to Bowser Jr's Digiloser Wiki Profile, losers!! WIPE YOUR FEET OR I'LL BURN YOU!!

hahard5.gif hahard5.gif hahard5.gif hahard5.gif hahard5.gif hahard5.gif

Bowser Jr's Awesome Digiloser Avatar!


Current Awesome Possesions

Doll of my Dad - LordBowserDoll.gif - Given to me by Loser Prognosticus

Yoshi Cookie - YoshiCookie.png - Given to me by Loserlight

CookieforBowserJr - CookieforBowserJr.png - Given to me by Lip Haired loser fan 9

CookiesandevilMilk - CookiesandevilMilk.png - Bought from Magikoopler

I-Was-There_10-07 - I-Was-There_10-07.png - Bought From that Geno Loser

SweetJellyShroom - SweetJellyShroom.gif - Bought from Loser Prognosticus

All_The_Cookies_in_The_World - All_The_Cookies_in_The_World.png - Given to me by Lip Haired Loser Fan 9

Current Awesome RP Alts

Shadow Mario - stabitpv1.png Mecha Koopa - dieyf1.png

Current Awesome Relationships

Koopler and Bowser Jr. are eating cookies.

Greenlight and Bowser Jr. are the embodiment of Awesome.

Bowser Jr. and Lord Bowser are awesome!

Signature of Pure Awesomeness


Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! Digiloser Anarchist, losers!! Hell yeah!!

Random Awesome Facts

- Although, you losers may never guess it, but I'm actually an artist! I'm inspired by the many places I visit with my Dad each year. He doesn't appreciate my interest in art...

- I bet you losers never knew that this awesome koopa is approaching his 15th birthday!! I know I look like a kid, losers! But my Dad says I'll grow big and tall like him one day!

- My favourite flavour of Ice Cream is Mushroom flavoured,losers....

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