Flavio's family

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Revision as of 05:54, 9 September 2007 by Mona (Talk | contribs)

Flavio's Freakin' awesome Family

  • Flavio is Popple's sister
  • Dimentio and FrozenWinters are Flavio's son/daughtars
  • Abra is their mother
  • Hario, Princess Daisy, and Mona are FrozenWinter's children
  • Mimi is Flavio and Popple's aunt
  • Nastalsia is Flavio's sister
  • Plastic Mario is FrozenWinter's half-brother three times removed
  • Flavio is also Mona and Hario's Brother in Law
  • Pure$$$ is Flavio's daddy
  • Shadow kingdom is Mona's aunts cousins, sisters, sons, cousins, aunts, daughters, fathers, cousins, grandfathers, cousins, sisters, sons, cousins, daughters, cousins, brother. make any sense?
  • Crystal is Frozenwinter's Father's Cousin. Making Crystal Flavio's sister.

Non Family

Oh, and IFREAKIN'LOVEFREAKIN'SEESAWMAN loves freakin' seesaws, CB Spagehtti has a plunger up his ass, Pure$$$'s cloak isn't really made of gold.

Yeah, that pretty much sums that up.

     -Pure-$$$'s cloak is made of gold. he kept changing until he got back to gold.

Flavio's marrying Daisy!

After that happens, TEH WORLD WILL ASPLODE! Well, the list will change.

-No, it really will asplode.
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