
From Cths

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   We're gettin', we're gettin'...

This article is a work in progress. Plot-sensitive content will be added as the series progresses.

STOP! In the name of love!

Wreck-Gar is the CTHS resident custodian. Basically his job is to walk around and clean up after all the little glitches that run amok around campus. All in all, he's a pretty cool guy. The kids like him because he won't often rat anyone out for breaking rules, so long as no real harm's being done. Smoking, gambling, having relations, etc. in the janitor's closet doesn't bother him much either so long as the participants promptly vacate when he asks them to.

The Story

Wreck-Gar makes a brief appearance in the second issue, defending Skyfire from potential physical assault courtesy of the twins. However, when Gizmo shows up to help the shuttle pick up the stuff that got knocked out of his subspace compartment, Wreck-Gar makes a strategic retreat. He also seems to know something the rest of us don't. However, that could just be because he's a little crazy... you never know. Welcome Back! part 2

External Links

Wreck-Gar on the TF wiki

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