Mia/Gladiator/Solo/Consecutive attacks

From Create Your Own Story

You get a brilliant idea, since she only has one sword and you have two swords, you should be able to attack faster than her. Thinking this, you quickly approach her and fire a volley of sword strikes. She blocks most of them panicky and stumbles back. You manage to give her a few minor cuts on the upper arms, then she seems to have had enough and parries one of your attacks by swinging her blade at you blindly. You're too close to dodge her attack, your weapon goes flying and you try to parry the blow with your other scimitar, but you're powerless to stop the weight of the sword and are thrown back. You didn't take too much damage since her blade didn't hit you directly, but you're not going to be getting up in time to continue the fight. She stands there confused for a little, then helps you back on your feet.

"Are you alright?" she asks worriedly.

You :

Tell her you're fine and introduce yourself

Pretend to be badly hurt

Leave without a word

Health 40 Equipment:

Gladiator's Outfit, Dual Scimitars

Stamina 30
Mood Defeated Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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