
From Create Your Own Story

< Unwritten | Chun(Redirected from Unwritten/trailerpark)

The studio's a bit cramped and you're not really comfortable staying that close to your old home, the bar's a little too dangerous for you. you don't mind a bit of.. adventure, but who knows what kind of creep you might run in to and what they could do to you.

The house in the suburbs was a great deal, but it'd cost you more than half of your available money, despite it's suspiciously low price.. and there's that 'local trouble'. Sounds like it might be bad news.

The run-down mansion might be free but it'd be a huge hassle, no thanks. The position as a live-in maid sounds a little too good and makes you suspicious there may be a catch.

You finally make up your mind and decide to go take a look at this glorified trailerpark to see what the living conditions are like there. It's not all that far so you decide to walk. You arrive about an hour later.

The area around the trailerpark already warned you, but it really is a dump. There's mostly shabbily dressed punks, shady-looking men and depressed-looking poor sods. Overwhelmingly male population with the few females usually being with some or other guy. You've been feeling people's stares on you for a while now and are feeling rather uncomfortable, you don't mind a bit of attention but.. This kinda attention might be bad.

The "apartment complex" itself doesn't look all that appetizing either, it's even more run down and dirty as it was on the picture. you can see people's dirty laundry hanging outside for everyone to see, worse you can smell it. Along with the odor of too many sweaty people living too closely together.

Far as you can see, there is little to no privacy to be had as the neighbours can hear everything you do and the only way to avoid being seen is to shut yourself inside your tiny space and close the window.

You're not liking what you see much, but it's only 300$ a month and the bar is probably far worse than this.

You :

Go check out the restroom and public bath.

Wander around and take a closer look at the place.

Try talking to some of the women and get an idea of what this place is like.

Try talking to some of the men and get an idea of what this place is like.

decide it isn't what you're looking for and find another place to stay

Health 100 Equipment:

Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top, large bag

Stamina 80
Morale 55 Inventory:

chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat

Money 800$
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