Take Sandra and her daughter to your room and mate with Sandra again

From Create Your Own Story

Sandra looks excited as you lead her to your room. But before she gets overwhelmed by desire, she turns to her daughter, and says, "Madeline, go wait downstairs for a while, okay? Mommy wants to get to know her new husband a little."

"No." you sternly tell her.

Sandra looks at you, with a slight hint of worry on her face. "What?"

"I want her to stay and watch."

Sandra's face reddens. "But she... she's just a child. I don't want her to see such things yet."

"You mean you don't want her to see you acting like a whore."

"Thats...!" she starts, but can't bring herself to finish.

"When she comes of age, I'm going to fuck her too. So, I want her to know what awaits her when she's ready." you explain.

"Mommy, what's he talking about?" Madeline innocently asks.

You close the door, and take Sandra by the arm and drag her over to the bed. "Let me show you."

"Please... don't. Not in front of my baby." Sandra begs.

But you don't listen, and tear off her dress. She squeals, and tries to cover herself, but you toss her on the bed. Before she can react, you plunge your cock inside her, and she throws her head back and screams in pleasure. You wait to start thrusting, though, as Madeline sits down in a nearby chair, looking curiously at the bulge your cock makes on her belly.

"Mommy, are you okay?" she asks.

settling down from a quick orgasm, she breathes heavily, as tears run down her cheek. "M-mommy's... ah... all right."

Now it's time to fuck you new mate's brains out. But how?

Health Mated to Sandra Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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