Jessica's Choices, A modern day slave/ The shuffled sound of the grandad.

From Create Your Own Story

Jessica could hear the disjointed footsteps of the grandfather and instantly began to cringe and attempted to move away to her left as the footsteps with the all to familiar sound of his cain aiding his walk came from her right.

Ah my pet, I missed your company last night you know the grandad heavily breathed.

Jessica could smell the stale smoke from the man's clothing.

I think we should take that plug out my dear and put your ass to better use this morning wouldn't you agree? 

Jessica knew this was a rhetorical question and began shifting her body to allow the old man access to her as she and allow him to remove the butt plug.

Jessica could feel his cold hand first begin at her armpit then slowly moving down her soft supple skin over her right breast, having a quick tug at her nippel before continuing down to her hip then round her lovely tight ass cheeks where it stopped at the plug. 

Mmmm he sighed whilst catching his breath, I've got a surprise for you today. 

A sharp twist to the left caused Jessica some pain before the plug was removed with an evil cackle from her old tormentor and her tight anus quickly changed to it's original size.

Yes I have a great plan for you today.

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