Mia/Lost/Take him up on the offer

From Create Your Own Story

You should get back to the castle, but you don't know the way there, so you think its probably better to stick around friendly people like them than try to get back by yourself and end up lost in the woods or meeting scary men like before. Thus you nod your head and follow them. Several of the men come to chat to you, but your reply is generally little more than a few stumbled words and a blush. Wich they think is 'cute' so they hang around you merrily all the time till noon when you stop for lunch.

You take a look at all the people in the caravan. there's 36 in total, 37 if you include yourself. Most of them are big, strong-looking men. Then there's Shanna who is a big, strong-looking woman and three middle aged women, who seem to be traveling with their husbands. You also spot a girl about your age, she's slightly taller than you but still looks out of place in this company, she's also looking at you and approaches you after you make eye contact.

"Hey there, I'm Karla" she introduces herself "Mia" you reply looking up at her shyly. "So, how did you end up here?"

You :

Tell her you got lost in the woods

Tell her the whole story

Keep quiet and look down

Health 50 Equipment:

torn rags

Stamina 30
Mood Shy Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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