A man at the bar, a few decades older than you.

From Create Your Own Story

You approach the man at the bar. You can already see his cock hard in his pants. He's a few drinks in but he still mostly has his wits about him. He glances over at you and smiles almost immediately. Your creamy skin, raven hair and too much eyeliner make you a piece of eye candy for him to devour.

"Hello!" You excitedly say. "How are you?"

"Happy now that you're here," he says.

He doesn't hide the fact that he's staring at your chest. Oh yeah, this is going to be easy...

"What's your name?" You ask him. "Mine's Jade."

"Mmmm hi Jade," he grabs a handful of your ass. "Why don't you sit in my lap."

You bite your lip as you take him up on his offer, his cock hard against your crotch.

"My name is Gary," he tells you, bringing a hand on your thigh and caressing it. "Say Jade, would you like a drink?"

Accept the drink. You'll always accept more booze.

Decline and ask him if he wants to dance.

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