AOTC: Padmé Amidala 3rd: Discussing with Cordé

From Create Your Own Story

Padmé Amidala

Padmé enters Cordé's cabin, finding the brown-haired girl seated at the small dresser opposite her bunk, staring into the mirror. She is wearing a simple, cream-colored chemise, clearly ready to don the heavy gown with which she will pass herself off as the Senator of Naboo.

"We still have forty minutes until Coruscant," Padmé says, and Cordé turns to her, surprised. "Plenty of time for dressing."

"I didn't want to be late, senator," Cordé says, her eyes full of worry. "I don't want to let you down."

Padmé smiles. "You won't, Cordé. You're a loyal friend."

But the pretty, pale-faced girl seems preoccupied. "If the assassins strike again... if they figure out the deception...."

Padmé crosses to Cordé and places a hand reassuringly on her bare shoulder, finding the girl's muscles bunched tightly. "Then Captain Typho will have to prove how capable he is. Besides," she adds, pulling a sporting pistol from her waistband, "I'm hardly a slouch in that department."

Cordé smiles, a little relieved. "Of course, senator. I didn't mean to say you weren't."

The senator tilts her head to one side, observing her look-a-like's beautiful face. "We need to find you a way to relax," Padmé decides, squeezing the girl's shoulder affectionately.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Padmé Amidala
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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