Victim: Tell Master Jeff to bathe you first

From Create Your Own Story

you are blindfolded and, hands forced behind your back and cuffed.

you only walk a little ways, before he, leading you with a hand at your elbo, turns you.

you are leaded into a house, slowly up the stairs, then onto a tiled floor. Cold on your bear feet. You are uncuffed. You go to remove the blindfold, but he gabs your rist.

"No" he growls. You nod your understanding. He lets go, then turns on the taps. "Remove the clothes, but not the blindfold. If you do there will be consequences."

saw his watching, you slowly lift your shirt over your head, revealing your bra-less DD's. You let it fall too the flaw. Undoing the thick bit of rope that holds up your jeans, they just drop to the ground. You shivver as your panti-less pussy is exposed to the air.

Soon the air heats up. The taps are turned off.

"In He growls.

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