Use your teeth. Rip off her top.

From Create Your Own Story

The blonde's large breasts are right in your face, and your mouth waters at the prospect of releasing them from the confines of the girl's top. With your hands on the blonde's tight butt, you use your teeth to grab onto the front clasp of the bikini top. Playfully at first, you tease the woman, lightly pulling the material away from her breasts. The blonde's skin flushes and you witness firsthand her nipples become hard and erect. Unable to control your lust for this beautiful woman, you bite down hard on the top and pull hard, turning your head to the side. The already-tight bikini top snaps in the back and comes free, releasing the blonde's bouncing bosom.

You throw the top to the side and stare closely at the engorged nipples that are mere centimeters from your face. Listening to the blonde woman's deep breathing, you bring her left breast to your mouth, licking the areola and lightly tapping the sensitive tip with your wet tongue. Your movements elicit passionate moans from the woman, who slides further up on your body, giving you better access to her open nipples. As you switch to her right tit, you give her ass another tight squeeze. You notice that your access to her bottom is also hampered by material...

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Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

The Beach

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Level 1
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