Shout for Help - Fatal Bullet

From Create Your Own Story

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  • You: Kirito?

No sound or anything regarding any presence can be noticed. You attempt to grab Dawn's hand in the dark, since your illusion where you saw Kureha blowing you still gives you the creeps. You succeed in grabbing her hand, and Dawn tightens her grip.


The lights all turned on out of a sudden, and you find yourself in the middle of the room together with Dawn. All around you are familiar faces, who quickly popped up from behind furniture. You can't name a single friend of yours who is not present in the room right now. Lisbeth, Kirito, Seven, Eugeo, Yuna, and many more of your friends are present. Kureha also is present, who does not appear to have any memory of your apparent 'illusion'. You can tell that from the face she gives you just like everyone else does.

You are speechless for a moment, but you rapidly come to your senses and got something in mind to say to everyone all at once. What will that be?

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