Remain still, with your arms around Cyndi-Rose

From Create Your Own Story

You lie perfectly still and let Cyndi-Rose snuggle against you. The silence is the pleasant kind, not the oppressive one.

Eventually, she lifts her head upwards. "Kiss me."

You tilt your head downwards and chastely kiss her cheek.

"I meant on the lips," she giggles. She reaches up and pulls your head downwards. Your lips meet hers. She slides her tongue inside your mouth. You passively accept the kiss.

When she breaks for air, she frowns. "Why aren't you responding?"

You tell her the truth. "I don't want to rush you, and I don't want you to make any decisions you'll regret."

"I really do appreciate that you're being a gentleman," Cyndi-Rose replies. "But right now I need physical affection, Ty."

She rises from the couch and practically drags you into the bedroom. You hastily shuck your clothes before Cyndi-Rose can literally tear them from your body. But as quick as you are, she's quicker. By the time you're naked, so is she and she's lying on the bed with her legs apart, one hand teasing her nipples, the other working her slit.

The sight, and the moans she's making, get you hard. You join her on the bed, and she instantly grabs your pole with the hand she was using on her chest. She starts jerking it with violent motions.

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