Listen to him speak about the current position of the allied and enemy forces

From Create Your Own Story

He talks for a long time and draws a map of Maui, the island you are on, with the positions of your forces and the enemy's.

It's all you can do to keep from falling asleep, but you manage to catch these tidbits of information:

The center of Maui is almost entirely controlled by your side, but the Unitists are still clinging on to their piece with a single military unit. However, intelligence believes they have given up and plan to move on to the northwest in the morning.

The particular area they are moving towards is south of the city of Pukalani, and, unbeknown to them, patrolled by bombers.

The enemy's dive bombers are threatening to attack the center of Maui. It must be defended at all costs.

The Unitist's main idea seems to be to bust a path to the west for secondary ground units. They're trying to cut off a large portion of Maui for themselves.

The only defense we have against them making that move is, at the moment, a infantry-bombardment artillery unit.

Our own plans are to move the eastern military unit at the center of Maui forward: the other two can defend it on their own.

It would be great if we could move an artillery unit to the western part of Maui, but that remains impossible due to nearby enemy bombers.

Which mission do you take:

Quickly eliminate the enemy unit in the center of Maui before they can move on

Defend the center of Maui from dive bombers

Keep them from cutting off the western section of Maui

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