Ilfang, Boss Battle / Phase 3 (Teaming up with Asuna) - SAO:LW

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Diavel: Stand back everyone! I got this.

Diavel readied his Sword Skill, and prepares himself to slay the boss. Kirito seems very little disappointed in him. Is he trying to steal all the glory, while he didn't do much next to giving orders? Like the guide from the beta-testers said, Ilfang indeed switched weapons. However, it was not a nodachi he switched to. It was another weapon, called a talwar!

Kirito: It's no use! Fall back Diavel!

Diavel didn't prepare for this, and he could not move a muscle since his Sword Skill was still charging up. Ilfang suddenly jumped across the room, from pillar to pillar, and landed a devastating blow on Diavel. He charged into the ground, resulting in a shockwave hitting Diavel, followed by slashing Diavel a deep wound in his chest. Diavel was flying through the sky, landing on the ground eventually. A lot of people were in shock, and Kirito ran towards him. You couldn't hear what Kirito was saying to Diavel, since they were on the other side of the room and they seemed to whisper as well. Kirito gave Diavel a potion, but to no avail. His HP already reached zero, and it was time for him to say goodbye. Diavel vanished in Kirito's arms. Everyone took a few seconds to gather his breath. Everyone lost an amount of their morale, except for you, Kirito and Asuna.

Kirito: Everyone, stand back and heal! Let group E take care of this!

You, Asuna and Kirito are the only ones who would be capable of annihilating the boss. The others barely had any HP left or they lacked the skill.

  • Asuna: So now you want to party up with us?
  • Kirito: We don't have much choice now do we?
  • You: Kirito, try to parry his next attack and attack him from the front. Asuna, try to flank the boss. I'll attempt to take its rear.
  • Kirito: Since when were you the one to give orders?
  • Asuna: Less talking Kirito, we need to get a move on. Let's follow Razore's plan!

Even though Kirito doesn't like the idea, he follows your guidance for now. Before Kirito charges at Ilfang, he prepares a sword skill.

Kirito: Sword skill...

While the boss is targeting Kirito since he is the one up front, you and Asuna take the time to ready your positions. Asuna on the left, and you at the boss' back. When both of you are ready to attack, Kirito unleashes its skill and the boss readies himself to attack Kirito.

Kirito: Sharp Nail!

Kirito's Anneal Blade glows red, and its metal hardened. You and Asuna both charge towards him, now that the boss is distracted by Kirito. While the two of them are clashing blades, Kirito's weapon breaks due to the power of Ilfang's talwar. Right after that, the boss prepares a spin attack with his weapon. Kirito manages to roll under his attack, although its attack continues circle around himself. You notice this attack in a blink of an eye, and also you were able to roll under it. The attack continues, and is about to hit Asuna who didn't notice the attack. There is no way the attack would be able to miss Asuna now...


Health 3600/3600 Equipment:

Anneal Blade

Col 2970
Level 20
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