FW/MaleHorse/Tell Sam you don't drink and you should be going

From Create Your Own Story

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All this has overwhelmed you. You never realized that Sam was such an alcoholic! I mean, yeah, you had a sip of her beer the other day when you helped her move in, but that was just to be polite after you two had had such a great romp in her bathroom. This is just too much!

"I'm sorry, Sam, I really don't drink, and I don't feel comfortable here. I think I should go," you say.

Sam's expression falls, her ears drooping. "Oh no, really? I put all this effort into throwing this party..."

"I know, but I can't stand watching people get drunk. Thanks for having me." Without another word, you head to the door, waving briefly to the girls who barely notice you. As you close the door, you suddenly hear an angry scream and the sound of a glass breaking from inside the apartment, followed by several anxious voices, doubtless the other girls trying to calm Sam down. You sigh, and walk back into your apartment.

Sadly, the cat girl you were just starting to have a great relationship with hasn't spoken to you since. On you go with your life, and every so often you wonder how things would be, had you just been a little different.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

None. Not even a girlfriend.

Gender Male
Species Equine
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