FW/MaleHorse/Eat some pizza first and chat up the girls

From Create Your Own Story

"Looks like you got some good stuff, but I think I'll start with a little pizza." You pick up a plate and browse through the pizzas, taking out a slice of Hawaiian and a slice of Meat-Lover's to start off. Sam smiles and pours herself a beer, then goes to tending something in the kitchen.

You take the opportunity to head back to the living room where Sam's friends are still chatting away about work. You take a seat nearby, and the vixen smiles over to you briefly before turning back to the dark bunny. You listen in on their conversation while you casually eat your pizza, and you take a longer moment to look at each of the girls, admiring the different ways they're dressed and how they hold themselves. Since her back is turned to you, you also get a good long moment to watch Stella's tail, that large, very fluffy fox tail waving slowly back and forth as she chats away. You imagine curling up with that tail, using it like a full-body pillow.

Next, you turn your attention to Fiona, the white cat with the similarly bushy tail. She's wearing a pink blouse and a mid-length denim skirt, but you start to imagine her dressed in various other outfits: She looks like she could do glamour shots dressed in the latest fashions. You imagine her wearing pearls, miniskirts, bracelets, and all sorts of other bling while posing for the camera. She definitely looks the part.

Before you can spend much more time ogling the girls, Danielle, the doe with the short leather skirt, turns to you. She's sitting on the arm of the couch across from you, and when she turns to face you, her legs are pressed together just enough to block any view you might have of the space between them. How tantalizing. But your gaze moves quickly up to her face when she asks, "So, what do you do, Cheval?"

You take a moment to finish your bite of pizza and smoothly set the slice down, giving yourself just enough time to avoid sounding like you were just caught staring. "Oh, I work at the performing arts center. I'm a technical director there."

Several of the other girls suddenly turn to you, ears perked. "Really? That sounds like a really cool job!" says Valerie, the raccoon.

You snort a little. "Eh, it's not as glamorous as it sounds. What it really means is that I move stuff around on the stage and help everyone remember their lines during rehearsal. And I sometimes have to do a lot of other jobs, too - make the props, design the sound effects, pick out the light filters, order the extension cords..." You chuckle and take another bite of your pizza, still keeping it cool even though you're suddenly the center of everyone's attention.

Stella moves over to sit in the chair next to you and says, "Sounds better than a boring office job, I'd think."

Valerie adds to that, "Yeah! I'd love to perform in a play there. Is it hard to get in?"

"As a performer?" you reply. "Nah, you just have to audition. There's a stage production of 'Fiddler on the Roof' coming up in a few months. They'll be auditioning for that soon - you might try out then."

Valerie smiles. "Cool! I'm totally there. I love that movie."

About this time, Sam comes back in from the kitchen. "I see you're getting to know each other," she says. "Can I interest anyone in some more drinks?"

You watch Sam carefully to see if she's feeling at all threatened by all this, but she looks just as casual as ever. Then you think to yourself, Why would she be threatened? She invited all of them over, and me too. She must have wanted me to meet them...

The girls all order new beers, so you decide to join in and get one too. Sam dutifully returns a moment later with a tray full of beer steins, which she hands out to everyone. Then she joins in the conversation, and you all continue talking about stage productions and what it's like to work at the performing arts center, comparing notes on each other's jobs, etc. And after you've finished your second beer, you offer to grab everyone another round, which of course they all accept.

When you get back to the keg, you spy the plastic cups again. Maybe now's the time to

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Equine
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