Buckle down and blow him for a full outfit

From Create Your Own Story

You take a deep breath. "Let me suck you then," you say tersely and wave for him to step out from behind the counter.

"Oh no no no..." the smelly proprietor says and grins wolfishly. "You get, no, you crawl your ass over here. I can't leave the register if there's a customer."

You hesitate. He shrugs.

"...or you could run the streets naked. Look how well that has turned out for you so far."

The bastard. On one hand, you feel inclined to give him the finger and storm out of the store. On the other hand, you feel something of a buzz thinking about giving yourself without a struggle to this fat ugly fuck... Besides, he's probably got a teeny wiener that you can make go off in a minute.

Do you:

Health Horny, Hormonal, and very sore Location:

The Used-Clothing Store

MP 0
Level 1
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