You're on the Case

From Create Your Own Story

You take one last glimpse at the still water, before turning away and analyzing the clearing around you. You note that the grass is trampled down. You’re not quite sure what you should be looking for, so you keep your eyes on the ground as you search the clearing.

Your examinations bear fruit.

Hidden below a leaf and some bent blades of grass is a small, round piece of metal. It’s a dark shade of blue. You feel like you should know what it is, but you just can’t put your tongue on it.

At a loss, you stare unfocused at the thing. Then it hits you; ask Raikou and Entei.

But where would they be…? We all scattered in different directions at the Burned Tower.

You look up at the darkening sky.

Unown? I could use some helpful guidance right about now…

No reply. You’re not really surprised. You have the feeling that they prefer not to directly involve themselves… ever… even if it is you asking for advice.

Figures. You mull over the options that come to mind.

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