Talk:The Dealer
From Create Your Own Story
This is really just a "notes to self" because I've rarely seen authors come in and actually write or rewrite other people's stories (it was mostly me doing it)
From the beginning there are actually only 2 STORY paths that lead into day 2.
The first path to day 2 is (Alpha): you immediately go and deliver some drugs to someone (at which point the opportunity to have sex with a female character will occur). This path means that later on when you need to pick up you'll actually be unable to (because a rival gang has burned down the supply centre) and therefore unable to fulfil future orders.
The second to day 2 is (Beta): you go pick up immediately and then deliver drugs to whoever you want from the first path (copy and pasting large chunks of the path is my plan tbh). You'll then be able to visit a 2 customer in the same day (the evening paths will probably have more variations but basically you'll still be able to have sex with whoever exists in those paths). At the end of this path the Protag No matter what needs to know that the mystery number is a school.
The Subgrouping of the first path is this: Yoga Mom Whitney, Jack's tease of a cousin/gf (haven't decided), and the mystery number turning out to be a school where the protagonist can fuck a teacher (I think I'm gonna save students for a later path).
Alpha Day 2 means that you'll have to engage with a rival gang (not sure how to sexualise this story tbh, and based on the tropes of this website it has to be at least flirty to get an audience) this path needs to also split into two I think Gamma and Delta (depending on how the protag resolves his lack of drugs)
Beta Day 2 means that whilst you're still in a good position the protagonist still has to figure out a way to deal with his problems. I think the protag in this pathway should also be railroaded into returning to the school. Epilson Path leading to Day 3 should have him in bed with a student (at least figuratively if not metaphorically) as they embark on a Walter White/Nancy Botwin drug empire (time jump). Zeta should probably be a rip off of either Gamma or Delta (and perhaps that's a good way not to have to write an entire fourth path but just to feed Beta back into one of the Alpha paths)
The paths are really complicated to explain so I'm just gonna try and include an image of the overview of what it should look like (without the fine detail and only essential plot elements)