Take them to a party
From Create Your Own Story
“I’m taking you to a nightclub. But since it’s still early there is plenty of time to prepare.”
You’ve taken Desire and Yin to your cult’s beauty parlor located in the richer side of town. While the procedure is taken place you and Miguel wait in the main lobby reading magazines just like normal people would, although Miguel seem annoyed by this procedure. Several stylists huddle around Desire who is strapped to a chair in the same room as you. They work diligently on her face and soon announce that their work is complete. They turn Desires chair around so that you can see her new look. As one, you and Miguel erupt in laughter over Desires new look, it’s simply to trashy to be believed. “Oh God what did you do to my face?” Asks Desire. One of the stylists hand her and mirror and she shrieks when seeing her new look. They made her hair platinum blonde, almost white, and styled in a high-maintenance trashy look. Dark mascara thickens her eyebrows, making her eyes look more alive. Adding to her trashiness is an overuse of eye shadow, while her lips have been painted pink and wet. She doesn’t even look human anymore, just some brainless doll slut carving for cock.
Another stylists enter the lobby from the dressing room. She holds her hand together and address you. “Your slave is ready mistress” You respond with a simple. “Let her in.”
You don’t laugh at Yin’s dress; instead it makes your mouth watery. She wears what appears to be a parody of clothes. On top she spots a tank top that could well enough be mistaken for a bra and down below she spots a miniskirt that barely covers her thong. You know it’s a thong since the thong lines can be seen running around her hips. It’s all colored in a striped black/red style. On her feet are some of the sluttiest high heels you’ve ever seen. The sole extents upwards 2 inches from the ground while the heel is 8 inches. The high heels are made of solid glass, entirely see through. They changed the way she walked and the way she stood. They emphasize her legs and butt just the way you want them to, the fact that they were highly uncomfortable doesn't bother you at all. As a last touch she wears an armband made out of large beads around her wrist.
Yin and Desire get a good look at each other both with a O shaped mouth from the shock.
Desire goes first, almost whispering. “Y…Yin?”
Yin follows with an even lower tone. “M…Mom?”
Then together as one but now screaming at the top of their lungs. “What have they done to you!?”
“Excellent!” You announce. “Give them what the other one got stat!” The stylists drag Desire into the changing room and Yin into the chair despite their struggles and screams. The stylists who introduced Yin approach you and bows her head.
“Will there be anything else mistress?”
“Yes, piercings, cunt and tongue.”
The stylists nods again and leaves. You notice that Miguel has his eyes on a pretty young stylists and with your approval he takes her to the back room. Well alone you’re left to think. Maybe you should do something more radical. Something that would liven up the dance floor.