TNR: Escaping on a GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat

From Create Your Own Story

You have managed to take command of a GAT-12 Skipray Blastbboat after escaping a storage shed with the the help of Artoo.

Placing Artoo between a row of seats, and then entering the pilot seat you take off from Talon Karrde's base and rise above the tree line.

Noticing an Imperial Star Destroyer is in low orbit around Mykyr, you fly close to the forest to avoid detection from the ship.

As you continue flying, you notice another Skipray in close pursuit, one of Karrdes's henchman attempting to retrieve their prisoner no doubt.

The Skipray continues to close in until it is right on your tail.

What do you decide to do.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Luke Skywalker
The New Republic

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