Ongoing Story\You find no other survivors
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 11: No piranhas fortunately
Still a mess from the crash, Johanna suggests that you both take a bath in a nearby stream. You leave Rock at the camp to keep an eye on things and the two of you go deeper into the trees to where the stream is running.
Johanna removes her clothing first and climbs into the stream giving a sigh of relief as she does. She watches you as you begin to remove your clothes. You hesitate as you reach your undergarments as she almost seems to have desire in her eyes.
“Come on ? Don’t be shy. I’ve seen you naked heaps of times!”
You reluctantly strip down to your flesh and climb into the stream with her. Here eyes seem to gaze down at your lovely body rather than at your face and at first it makes you uncomfortable. But then you actually start to enjoy it. The fact that another woman would find you sexy.
“You know?” Johanna says, “You have a beautiful body.”
“Y… you think so?”
“Of course.” She replies. “I love seeing your naked flesh.”
You can’t help but feel embarrassed, “Johanna! Where’s this coming from. Are you sure you didn’t hurt your head in the crash or something?”
“Who knows.” She replies, “Maybe I did. But I’ve always wanted to touch your body ? Mind if I wash your body for you?”
What do you do now?