Ongoing Story\Find a gentle girl

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 9: Erin

Finding a gentle girl shouldn't be too hard. You're class size is pretty big, and you know of at least three who look like they're physically developed enough to be interested in boys, but they never spend any time talking to them.

You've caught two of the three girls checking you out from time to time, but one of them (Lara) is this pretty yet really wild Goth chick, and you don't think she's what you're looking for at the moment.

The other one, Erin, you think, is exactly what you're looking for, at the moment. She's one of the calmest people you know, and absolutely gorgeous, with blond hair, brown eyes, and coming along nicely, although she's only thirteen. You expect her to have huge tits when she's fully grown.

So, at lunch, you sit down next to Erin, who looks up with a look of mild surprise. You're acquaintances, but not really friends. Despite Erin's good looks, she's a bit of a bookworm, and after turning down the first hundred guys (pretty well, too, she's got a tongue like a razor), the other girls tend to stay away from her, since there's a good chance she's a lesbian and she also turns guys away (although the occasional one still shows up) (usually a new student).

"Wow, a real surprise to see you here, Lisa. Why aren't you sitting at the fashion, makeup, and boys table like always?"

"I wanted to talk to you, Erin."

"I'm not going to do your homework for you." She might, you think, after...but that's not why you're here.

"Look, can you let your guard down for just a second? I really could be here trying to make a friend out of you."

"Sorry. It's just that my only conversation with boys is turning them down and your friends," she flicks a nasty look in their direction, "only spend their words making fun of me. Calling me fat and queer and a teacher's pet." She looks down at herself. "I don't see where they get fat from, though."

"It's just the universal girl-to-girl insult. Don't worry about it. I think you're gorgeous."

She looks as if stung. "No, you're just saying this to tease me. They put you up to this, right?"

You put your hand on hers. "I'm serious, Erin."

"Well, um...I've always thought you were gorgeous too, but I never wanted to say anything." The bell rings. "Look, I have to go to class. You want to come over to my house after school? My parents won't be home, and..."

Exactly the words you wanted to hear. You didn't want to invite her over to your house because of Tracy. "Sure, I'd love to.

"I'm on bus 48. Talk to you later!"

"Bye!" You spend the rest of the day walking around school with a slight glow on your face. It went just as you had hoped. You call Tracy on her cell-phone and tell her that you won't need a ride home.

At one point, in history class, Erin flashes you a smile and you feel your pussy start to get wet. But you control yourself until you get to the bus.

On the bus, you sit next to Erin and talk about inconsequential things, homework, classes, how annoying your history teacher is, and the current gossip. Eventually, you make it to the front door of Erin's house.

She starts to unlock the door, but her hand is shaking, You calm her by putting your hand on hers and steady the keey into the lock. Finally, you're in, and she closes the door.

What do you do now?

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