Ongoing Story/Your Mum arrives home early

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 10: Just taken a bath Mum!

"Oh my God, Mum's home!" You hear one of your sisters bark. There are scurrying footsteps as your sisters hurry off down the corridor.

Immediately Lauren jerks to attention and stares at you in horror. "Oh good lord! Your mum? We're shot if she discovers us in here."

"Hello Tom?" You hear your mothers voice from just down the corridor. The look on Lauren's face is one of total panic now.

"Hi Mum!" You call out. "Just taking a bath."

"OK darling!" You hear her reply and then nothing.

"Oh my God......!" Lauren stares at you, "What are we going to do?" She hisses, "How am I going to get out? I'll have to climb through the window!"

What do you do now?

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