Approach the Kelp Men

From Create Your Own Story

You waddle out from behind your cover, and the Kelp Men immediately spots you. When you wave and smile, they lower their tridents and allow you to walk up to them. By the way their huge cocks stand up to attention, you can tell they appreciate the sight of you.

Kelp semen is a great fertilizer and would surely help more of your eggs to mature and grow into healthy young octopi. Kelp semen also is reputed to have wondrous healing properties. But you also know Kelp Men consider octopus eggs a delicacy.

"Hello, good-looking," the browner one says. "So it was you the fish meant when they talked about a great treasure!" says the greener one.

What do you tell them?

Health Horny and Hormonal and Very Pregnant Location:

Ocean Floor

MP 0
Level 1
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