No, she never sees you

From Create Your Own Story

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You keep an eye on her, watching to make sure she never spots you. She has her eyes closed, one hand massaging her breasts alternating, her other hand has three fingers inside her, pounding away. You slide one hand down your panties, with one finger you rub your clit, making your pussy even more wet. Sliding that finger into your pussy to get it wet, back to your clit, and back to your pussy to add a second finger. Your eyes never leaving her body, you see she is about to cum, her body shaking. Quickly you rush back to the bed, licking your fingers clean.

She comes out in just her bra and undies. "Sorry I took so long, I... uh..." she hesitates, thinking of a lie, "was using the bathroom, and I thought I left some pj's in there, and I was searching for them."

You hold back a giggle. "That's fine, I remembered I left my clothes in my car, and I didn't want to be gone when you got out, so I figured I'd wait." You thought of this lie as you were waiting for her to finish.

"You can wear some of mine," she offers, "we are about the same size."


She grabs a long t-shirt, throws it on, and walks out.

What do you choose?

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