Fuck him in the back room

From Create Your Own Story

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With a shrug you look around the relatively quiet food court. No one's coming over here, they're all down at one of the big-name places. You swipe your bag off the counter, look a moment to find the latch, and decide to hell with it and hop over to the same side as the loser. He gapes at you like a moron so you explain it to him. "Squid pro crow," you say. "An exchange, a butter."

"A what?" he screws up his face.

"Oh for God's sake. A trade, you moron, didn't you ever take english? I'll do something for you and you do something for me.

"Like what?" he looks at you suspiciously.

Rolling your eyes you look with interest at this side of the counter. It looks pretty clean, and unfortunately there's nothing worth anything sitting out. "Like pancakes, dipshit."

"No," he says slowly, teeth making a clicking sound. When he clenches them like that it makes his round pasty jaw look, well, a little less round, but just as pasty. "I mean, what are you doing to barter," he emphasizes the word, "for my pancakes."

You shrug, not really sure.

"I could flash you."

He smirks. "A little girl like you? You don't have anything to flash."

It's the work of a second for you to tear up your top, another second to rip off the front-seal training bra (what lech thought of that one?) that you'd only started wearing eight months ago and you were flashing your not-entirely-flat chest at him (and, incidentally, several security cameras and two guys who just happened to look up at that moment, but they don't count since you didn't notice).

"I've got tits. I've gotten tons of free stuff by showing them, or even letting guys feel them up."

"They're probably just checking they're there," he says nervously, looking around, but his eyes always coming back to your budding would-be orbs. All the while he keeps playing with that damn camera phone of his like he can't just pay attention to you and you alone.

"Fuck you," you spit.

He shrugs. "Alright."

It takes you a moment. Quite a few moments, actually, but eventually you figure out what he's saying. "You'll gonna fuck me?" you ask.

He nods. "Since you asked so nicely. Now would you quit flashing the mall? You'll traumatize people with the sight of your boy-chest."

With a snarl you yank the shirt down, swearing as it tears at the shoulder and bottom. It's an old shirt, one you've had for years, and it's been washed so many times it's begun to come apart. But it has sentimental value.

You were out with your dad at a carnival when you were nine-years old and he bought the shirt. He wore it the entire day that you and you alone were beside him. He took it home, but one wash shrunk it so much he gave it to you. It was big enough that you wore it as a nightie, though it kept ripping, losing strips along the bottom, making it shorter and shorter, while you got only a few inches taller.

You'd show it off when your dad had his poker buddies, proud that he'd given it to you, and happy that it made them hoot and holler. They got even louder and more excited by it over time, right up until last year when a final rip took another inch off right in front of them, which meant that it only covered you down to your hipbone. Since then it's been steadily lose more and more fabric. the sleeves were long gone, the collar came off ages ago. The shoulders were more like straps, and the bottom bared you belly button and a taunt stomach that you were proud of. Washboard abs, you thought they were called. You just hated it when people snickered and said you were a washboard all right. It made you think they were laughing at you somehow. They were just jealous.

"Damn," you muttered sadly. Now it was an off-the-shoulder shirt because one ragged shoulder had snapped. And the bottom had lost quite a bit of fabric, maybe two to three inches. It made you sad to think that you'd have to get a new shirt. This was the last good time you'd had with your dad. The last proof you have that he loved you. The once white shirt was now almost see-through and had been since that first wash, which also took off the word 'with'. It used to read 'I'm with Stupid'.

Shaking yourself out of your memories you look back at the pancake guy. "What was I saying?"

He rolled his eyes in an annoying way that only emphasized how ugly he was. "You wanted to fuck me."

"Oh yeah. Here?"

"God no, we're out in public! In the back."

You trotted to the backroom, certain he was checking out your ass or your legs, the first being athletic and 'tight as a boy's bottom' you've been told, though you always wondered why that was better than 'tight as a girl's bottom'. Nevertheless, you knew it was a compliment and bragged about it alot. Your legs are just as fine, long for your size (thank God, you could use every inch) and 'coltish' (not an insult, you've been assured, though you're not quite sure what the word actually means). It's all thanks to your dancing, which your mom taught you before she left. She said there was supposed to be a pole, probably like the ones ballerinas used for stretching, but even without it your dad's friends seem to like seeing you dance in your nightie.

It took you seconds to drop your clothes. The little skirt with the kittie on the front unzipped and fell, followed by the panties, and then the almost shredded shirt, which you took off delicately, not wanting to damage it further. You really were going to have to get a new one, regardless of sentimental value. This one had a hole practically where you nipples would've pointed through. And with the way your nipples always stood out like little spikes they'd poke right through the hole if you weren't careful.

"Where are you?" you called when he didn't follow.

"Out here, of course."

"I thought..."

"I'm not aroused."

"Not..." you smacked your head. Sometimes you could be so stupid. You forgot boys needed girls to suck them off to get started. "Aren't you coming back?"

"I have to man the counter. I'll go back if it gets hard."

Well hell, that presented a problem, you thought. He couldn't fuck you if he wasn't hard, and he couldn't get hard if you didn't suck him, and he couldn't come back her until he was hard. That meant you'd have to go out there to suck him. You nodded, proud to have thought it out. You sometimes don't do that, and then people take advantage of you.

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