Go investigate the restaurant quickly before it closes

From Create Your Own Story

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You go to the restaurant as quickly as possible because you need information now and don't want to run the risk letting the suspect possibly going out to killing in the meantime of waiting for it to open it again.

You walk in and a large man says hey we are closing in five minutes and the the manager says that they wouldn't have time to serve you. Struggling to hold back your emotions but still calm you ask if they had any knives missing recently. "The manager quips back saying "I'm not sure but I'm starting to wonder why it is your business."

While the way he said the statement wasn't particularly very offensive your emotions get the best of you and you start to become angry and impatient. You respond back angrily saying "One of your knives was used in an attempted murder on my friend tonight. That makes it my business. Do you know where your employee with the history of mental illness is? Are you sure he isn't out their killing right now?"

He responds back saying "Hey buddy calm down, I'm sorry about your friend but it's that employees night off and it's out of my hands but so far as I have noticed he is just a guy trying to get himself together, no killer."

You grow more impatient, your emotions are causing you to abandon rational thought. You snap back saying "Tell me where he lives and I will be the judge if he is a killer or not." The manager says "Sir you are out of line I think you need to leave."

You have now reached your breaking point. You pull out the gun and pistol whip the manager. You keep demanding to know where the employee lives. Little did you know the Manager was able to hit a silent alarm and the police are on their way.

The police arrive and say "Your a loose cannon. We can't have you on the streets or we will have another killer trying to catch the killer doubling the deaths." They lock you in prison for life while it is now up to the police to catch the real killer.

As you first sit down in the cell you think about what the officer said. You think to yourself "I just wanted to do something, I wanted to feel like the solution and not feel like I had done nothing or even been part of the problem. If I could have just kept my emotions in check and collected my thoughts I could have been the solution. Instead I became like the killer wanted to stop, a person letting madness drive their life.

You spend the rest of your life alone staring at a prison wall.

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