Try to fight him off

From Create Your Own Story

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He leans back and releases your shoulders. He hooks his thumbs under your tank top and pulls it up and over your head. He cups your breasts with his paws. He stares at your chest.

His attention momentarily diverted, you swing as hard as you can and punch him in the nose. His lets go of your tits and covers his nose with both hands. You twist under him and try to throw him off, but he is too heavy and too strong.

He flips you over again. There is a small trickle of blood flowing from one of his nostrils. He growls and snaps his jaws inches from your face.

"My prey fights," he growls through a wicked grin. "I know just how to take the fight out of you."

Still kneeling over you, he grabs you under the arm with one huge paw. He shifts his weight and pulls you out from under him and throws you over one shoulder. Without effort, he stands. With his free hand he strips you of your jeans and throws them to the floor.

A few steps and he flings you face first over the arm of one of the leather chairs in the living room. Both paws clutch at the waist band of your panties. He slides your panties down to your ankles.

With one paw on the back of your head, he presses your face into the seat of the chair. You hear him fumble with his belt.

You try to scream but your face is pressed deep into the soft chair. You feel his erection slide up the inside of your thigh. He prods you with it. You can feel that its head is not blunt like a human, but tapered and pointy. He slides it into you, just a few inches.

"You wish," he says and laughs.

Horrified, you feel his pointy tool move upward. It presses against your anus. You try to struggle but it is no use. One long smooth thrust and he buries himself up to the knot in your ass.

Both of you howl.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Just what you were born with

Gender Female
Species Human
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