
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:56, 2 September 2010 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)
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You and Sarah head back to find the way to turn on the light in the security room. Sarah takes the flashlight and illuminates the power cable above you as the two of you head down the path you took to the wall. However, the cable branches left and into an unexplored path. You both agree that it's best if you go down the path, no matter how unfamiliar it is.

After about five minutes of walking down the new path, it squeezes into a narrower tunnel that you have to turn sideways to get through. Sarah hands you the flashlight as you squeeze through, and she follows you in. The tight passage has a natural dead end behind it, with the power box on the wall. You hold the light on your shoulder with your cheek and open the box. Sarah whispers that she thinks she heard glass breaking, and you replace a burnt out fuse with a replacement in the box. The box whirs with power, and you and Sarah begin to leave. Just as you emerge from the squeeze tunnel, you hear someone running and shouting.

"Sarah! Jack! Where are you guys?!" The voice nears, but passes. It's Alyssa, and she seems to think you returned to the entrance. You run up behind her, and put your hand on her shoulder. She screams and turns, only to see it was you. She seems shocked for a second, but throws her arms around you in a terrified embrace. You calm her down, and look over to Sarah, who's staring at the scene disapprovingly. You shrug, and smile nervously. She explains that while you were turning the power on, something broke through the glass of the security room and dragged Eric off. She says it looked human, like the thing she saw before. She seems thoroughly terrified, and doesn't seem to be planning on releasing you any time soon.

You tell Alyssa you need to return to the security room. If they broke through the window, they have an easy way out from their confinement. She vocally protests heading back into the room, but you point out that the alternative is that she stays back here, alone again. She begrudgingly accepts, and you walk back.

Nearing the door, you can hear something nearby. Your beam catches it briefly as it runs. It's a slender humanlike being. You point the beam at its new location and it jumps at you. You fall backwards and it tackles Alyssa into the ground. She screams and pushes at it as it pins her down. You finally get a good look at the thing. It is slender and humanlike as you had briefly guessed, but you never realized how skinny this attacker is. It seems to be starved, its ribs showing and its skin tight. It seems nude, but doesn't have any visible genitalia. Its head is bald, and as it looks back at you for a second, you see that it has no eyes, but just skin grown over where sockets should exist. The absence of a nose disturbs you even more, with three small holes no wider than a pencil eraser are bunched in a triangular pattern. The creature screams at Alyssa, its jaw opening to double a human limit and displaying a row of sharp teeth. It gnashes at Alyssa's face, but Sarah comes up behind it and tosses it off. You shine the light on it, and it cries out, retreating into the shadows. Sarah kneels beside Alyssa, and you know that you could probably catch up to the creature from here. However, part of you says to stay with the girls. Who knows what could be near...

What Lies Beneath
Group Sarah and Alyssa Location:

The path to the Metal Wall

Battery Level: 88%
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