Answer your cell phone hoping it’s not Jane again

From Create Your Own Story

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“Sharon, this is Vladimir, be at my chamber in thirty minutes.”

“Yes Master!” You say like the fanatic servant that you are. Vladimir doesn’t need to give you a reason, his words are absolute. If it’s his will that you see him then his will is your will.

You heed your master’s orders and head for the cults headquarters.


You arrive at the cults headquarters located in the richer side of town. Something you definitely notice about putting a bunch of Satanists in a mansion (and the mansion being their headquarters) is all the shagging taking place. Since the Satanists embrace the mortal sins (unlike the rest of the world) there is no problem exercising your lust in public places. You often see people walking around naked, having sex or even raping someone in the headquarters because the cult sees those things as perfectly natural. Any form of sexual intercourse is accepted by the cult, even the ones where one of the participants isn’t in on it. This place has become a home to you, a place were equal-minded people hang out and you feel sad every time you leave.

Vladimir’s chamber is on the second floor, so you climb the steps with the fire of arousal burning in your loins. Even thinking about Vladimir makes you horny; he’s such dominant man, so perfect in every way, your Master.

There is however one person within the cult that you don’t like. Her name is Natasha. You have nothing personal against her; it’s simply the fact that she is higher up in the food chain than you are. Natasha is Vladimir’s lover and personal bodyguard. She is a mulatto lady and former super model. But she isn’t only prettier than you; she can also kick your ass. You have seen her take out a dozen men with her bare hands and not even break a sweat. She has this goddess-like aura around her which drives you crazy. Now she’s standing outside Vladimir’s chamber guarding the front door like a loyal dog.

“Our Master Vladimir is currently in his bathroom.” Natasha says with some distain aimed at you as you walk up to the door.

“So? Wait how do you know…” Knowing Natasha she probably stands here all day listening to the sound of his footsteps behind the door. Freaky you think, although if you were Vladimir’s favorite woman then you’d probably do so too. “Never mind just let me in. Vladimir has sent for me.”

Natasha grabs your arm gently but decisively. “Yes he has but wait here until he’s out of the bathroom. “ Natasha is a jealous bitch; she is determined to make your stay with Vladimir as short as possible. Every time she sees him with another woman must really pain her greatly. She knows you have your blue eyes on Vladimir and that you are beautiful enough to warrant his touch, so Natasha does everything she can to keep you separated from him. She wants him alone

You consider your options for a while. Natasha is a jealous and violent woman, but can she really stop you? You were sent here by Vladimir himself, what right does she has to stop you like this? On this gamble you act, you shrug her arm of you and open the door. As you enter you can feel her dark piercing eyes on the back of your neck.

Vladimir’s private chambers a well lit room with plenty of satanic and pagan symbols on the walls. On a bed fit for a king lies a trio of Chinese triplets lay on the bed, virgins the night before. They lay moaning in their sleep; Vladimir always leaves his women satisfied, not conscious but satisfied. Next to the bed are several filling cabinets. There are also two entryways. One doorless which leads to a small balcony overlooking the main hall and the other to the bathroom were Vladimir currently is.

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