She’s obviously desperate for a man; offer to fix her up with a real stud

From Create Your Own Story

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Gently you grab her hand and look the desperate mother in her eyes. “Honey, do you know what you need? A man dammit! You want me too hook you up with someone, maybe a stud, or someone more gentle?” Jane blushes and turns away from you in embarrassment. Being matched up by a teenager isn’t something appropriate for a lady of her age. But her unsatisfied lust drives her to action. “A Stud please!”

You knew there was no way she was going for the gentle type, women who has been out of the game as long as Jane needs the masculine type. You chitchat with Jane about details that you are going to pay no attention to anyway. She gives you her address and phone number, you agree to bring over a real man later to night and leave Jane to her self. Now it’s all that remains is for you to choice a candidate.

As you remind yourself that your object is to break her into becoming a sacrifice for you lord Satan and definitely not to give her pleasure you ponder on some potential candidates.

You could choose Marcus, he is a male member of your cult and as all the male members a real stud. Marcus is very tall and athletic. Standing around 1.90 m he had a great run as a boxer and was considered to be the next “great white hope” during his active years. The boxing didn’t spoil his good looks through. A young attractive man who is able to protect his woman would be the dream man for Jane.

A wicked smile decorates your lips as you evaluate your next candidate. There is a German porn group called to “rowdy bunch” (translated to English of course). They are an all male gang that shares some ideological opinions with your cult. The rowdy bunch is known for their hardcore material that is considered repulsive even for the German audiences. The basic storyline for all their porn videos is that they break into an unsuspected woman’s house and for 24 hours they utterly destroy her sexually and mentally. These guys are insane they even go so far that they violate the woman’s house, destroying it with sledgehammers and shitting all over the place like the loving freaks that they are. They truly are the best when it comes to porn and they own your cult a favor. Those monkeys don’t know squat about law so the cult have helped them out with legal troubles over a dozen times. They would be glad to return a favor and make a new porn movie at the same time for sure. That, or you could just go to Jane yourself.

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