Find Grace and keep her busy till they arrive

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Revision as of 19:59, 19 August 2010 by Camper9 (Talk | contribs)
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You decide to use the “white rabbit” technique to lead Grace to the loft area. You walk out to the dance floor and buy two long island iced teas. When you find Grace she is sandwiched between two guys grinding her hips between them. She eventually looks up and sees you. Your eyes meet and you show her the two drinks one of them you sip on a bit. She smiles and starts to walk over to you.

Just before she gets to you, you dodge around some people dancing. She looks around and finds you again. You dodge again. She finds you again and the pursuit begins. You bob and weave through the crowd and up the stairs, Grace ever in tow. You walk in the loft area.

The loft is dimly lit, covered in random trash and a nice coat of dust. The air is stale and and smells of years gone cigarettes. The occasional bit of old syringes and needles are scattered about. That’s when the freight elevator open and in walks Vanessa with the whizzing sound of a forklift behind her. Lucian drives it in with a 7 foot cage on its pallet.

Vanessa is a slender waif standing 5’7” traditionally but because of her thigh-high patent leather boots she crests the 6 foot mark with ease. Pale as if she had never seen daylight before and the full mounds of her surgically crafted double D tits spill over her inhumanly tight corset. Her Chinese heritage is strong in her eyes and the full moon of her face. Her black lipstick and eye shadow match the single black lock of hair that runs across her face. The deep purple of the rest of her mane lays perfectly in a single ponytail that runs down her back. She has a raw hide leather whip wrapped around her waist that you’ve had the pleasure of seeing write out the Satanic prayer across the body of Tabitha the outcast while in her hands.

Lucian is not much of a man. He still has on his coveralls from the auto shop he works at. His beard is scruffy and barely kept. He’s lean and has dark blue eyes. He looks like he’s in his late 40s and smells of motor oil and gasoline. He smiles at you as he dismounts and set the cage on the floor. He looks at you with an "Are you sure?" look in his eyes. You smile devilishly and nod.

Lucian pulls the canvas tarp off the cage and this rush of fouls smelling air sweeps over the entire room. Inside the cage is a hulking monolith of a “man” if you can call it that. It’s the Creeper. Squatting and hunched over he looks as if he has no real room to move around in his portable prison. Though you’ve never seen him stand up you figure he has to be around 7 to 8 feet tall! His body is covered with boils and pus-filled sores of various sizes that smell of death. He runs is ten inch long tongue along the bars when he looks at you. You see his muscles ripple as he tries to bend the bars so he might violate you. The horror that stretches from his groin looks like a being in its own right. Almost two feet long, it has the girth of a two liter soda bottle, even from across the room you can see the veins pulsate with blood as it stiffens from the sight of you. Like the rest of him it is marred by irregular large boils and reddened sores that leak pus profusely enough to drip putrid pool in his cage and the floor in front of him. A steel collar adorns his neck with a length of chain that sets outside the cage, the other end has another collar just right for a regular sized person. Vladamir found the Creeper in a condemned building raping the homeless and crack addicts that tried to use it as a dive.

Grace walk in the door of the loft and chimes in “Ok, Ok, Sharon this game was….” She pauses and looks at the Creeper in the cage. Speechless she drops her purse. Just then the Creepers eyes widen in beholding the fresh meat that appear from the door. His long matted black hair lies in his face, and instantly his monster cock becomes a tower of steel as he anticipates her moistened pussy. He begins to pant and howl as his efforts the break out of the cage become a violent thrashing against the bars!!

Grace turns to run out the door...

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