Vera: A short nap to Hell

From Create Your Own Story

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Your sleep is disturbed by unpleasant nightmares.

You dream that the girls are assaulted by evil demons who force them into sinful acts. You wander the halls of the dormitories glancing at terrible scenes of lust and violence unable to act, unable to save any of them, all you can do is witness the horror.

You see the little Grace being forced into a gorish parody of the holy communion when a faceless monster forces her to drink his blood. You see poor Pauline raped in her sleep by the same monster as a gruesome version of Grace forces her into to drinking her blood. Sweet Odette so shy normally is touching herself as the monster licks her neck. Lucia is held to her bed by four other girls as the monster drives a crucifix into her intimate parts. Act of lust are performed between the girls that have gone through the ritual and the unspoiled ones. Many cry, some scream and others seem to enjoy it.

You wander those halls and nobody seems to notice you until you feel a little slap on your shoulder. You turn around. Lenora, the girl you like most between you students is staring at you, her nightclothes have been ripped of revealing her breasts. She's covered in twin wounds from which blood is pouring.

"Sister Vera, why didn't you helped us? Why didn't you saved us? What did we do to deserve this?" Her teeth grow to become fangs and she starts to laugh...

You wake up covered in sweat, you're shameful as you recognize the wetness between your legs as the mark of temptation.

Your room's door is open. Muffled noises come from outside. Fear overtakes you. Grabbing the crucifix over your bed you go check on the girls.

All the doors to the dorms are open. You rush into the closest ready to face your nightmare.

A terrible orgy of blood is taking place. A huge dark figures watches as your students engage each other in terrible acts of sin.

You fall to your knees and start to pray.

Grace grabs your chin and forces you to look at her. Her face is deformed just like in your dream.

"You were mistaken, Sister, there is no God, only pleasure."

Lenora, standing next to her, sniffs the air.

"Oh but I think, Sister Vera knows that already, Can't you smell it. Her pussy juices are all over her robe. Naughty naughty nun"

A couple of hands start stroking you hair. You recognise Lucia's voice.

"Hey girls, why don't we show her how wrong she was. Let's make her come."

You pray as hard as you can while four girls drag you to one of the beds. Your nightdress is pulled gently above your head as small and juvenile hands carress your body. You try to fight it but you sense the pleasure growing in your belly. You sense your intimacy pulsating with blood and the unholy wetness.

"This can't be. I'm still dreaming." You whisper.

"No Sister Vera, this is no dream, this is reality and there is no God to save you, there is just us, the new Gods of this new century, and soon, you'll be one of us." says a deep male voice.

The hands on your body become more pressing, a couple of tiny fingers penetrate you as you start to loose control over your emotions.

"Look, Sister Vera is having an orgasm" says a mocking voice. The girls laugh.

As you're overtaken by pleasure, the hands and fingers are replaced by lusty mouths. You can feel the bites but you don't feel pain, all you can feel is beatitude as the little mouths suck your life away. The dark shadow you spotted earlier walks to the bed and feeds you some of his blood.

Your thoughts are filled with lust as you fade into darkness.

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